Honor for what deserve 🎖🌏

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Netesho was always cheerful, who never give up ... or maybe who never care !!
But last thing happened, he knows his mistake.

He felt down, his family are normally unwell, so he decided not to go home ... the only one he knows is his friend who has met during military service.

That fellow friend was kind, he tried to motivate his friend Netesho,  and he told him that his brother works in violins factory in suburb near a beautiful village, but he's going to leave the job for a month!

He suggested Netesho to take his place in work, and same time he can enjoy the beautiful nature surrounding the factory area to relax !

Netesho agreed gladly, and headed to that place next day.

Netesho worked " normally " in the factory ... till once upon a day  .......

No ! No ! calm down ! I have told you he's not an idiot boy, but mature one ! there is nothing bad or strange happened  ←_←

Yes mature and responsible one, cause in that day he saved 200 fellows workers lives in the factory !

He went out the factory early in the morning to bring some pine, that violins made of, from the store as a new working day started  .

When he was walking, he noted some raising smokes from the side of electricity cabin in the factory, he directly thought there is something go rong !
So he ran back to the factory to find out the headman started runing the huge automatical machines, that use to cut and prepare wood, to carve and make beautiful violins.

Netesho tried to stop him as soon as he could, but time was late, the man has ran them, so Netesho cried stopping all workers to not come towards machines, and he pushed away the headman from electricity blug.

As Netesho thought, there was a real bad problem, an electrical fault that caused a small fire, but if Netesho didn't has a finger in the pie, the situation would be worst, about 200 person would be killed !

The factory work stopped for some days to fix the damage, but no one got hurted, so all workers thanked Netesho, and felt thankfulness to him.

Next day as Netesho was hanging out with a fellow worker, they met the priest of the church of the close village , Netesho's mate told him how Netesho was great, and faithful, and how he saved about 200 person lives!

The worker who used to pray some times in that priest's church was talking with excitement, but the priest was listening carelessly, and at last he commented " Saving others is good, but keep praying in church is more valuable ! "  ... then he left.

Netesho said nothing and ignored as he used to do whether positive or negative what happen is.  ~ 🌟

The factory came back to work again after someday, there were a lots of things to do, all workers were too much busy, and Netesho was so also as one of them.

In the evening , the only thing remains is making each violin strings, before painting them with gold, then the priceless violins group that the factory gonna sell for the Congress Orchestra will be ready.

Netesho who don't know a lot about violins strings, he thought that using 3 strings instead of four for each one will not make any difference, and also he couldn't recognize the proper metal to make them of !

So as his worker mate who also couldn't choose the proper metal, asked his help!
Netesho randomly took some copper that looked like golden, or good metal to make them of.

The factory was in hurry to send that violins to the Congress, they were late normally due to the accident happened , so the quality control organism didn't check them, as Netesho and other workes comment
  " That was perfect made violins "

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2022 ⏰

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