~4. Got It In Mind.~

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...My arms embraced her as well. The warmth and comfort were enormous. Suddenly, her arms loosened.

"Don't leave." I said, but she was doing the exact opposite. My eyes follow the blonde, as she walked away. I wanted to follow her. Run after her, but the woman was gone.

What kind of fucking dream was that?

My eyes remained close for a short moment, after I had woken up. I stretched out my limbs, feeling them relaxing later on. I could lay in this bed for ages, if it wasn't for my bladder. Reluctantly, I pulled myself out of the covers and forced my bare feet to touch the floor. I expected to feel the coldness touching them, but I was mistaken. The floor wasn't cold, as I was used to it, nor was the surface really flat, like a wooden floor. I stood on a carpet. Goddamn soft carpet.

On my way towards the bathroom, I smiled slimly. It was after all still morning and I was not quite a morning person actually.

Was it just me, or does it take everyone hours to fully wake up?

I opened the door and stepped into the bathroom. I screamed out in fright and embarrassment at once, as my eyes fell upon Cate, who stepped naked out of the shower. -of course she was naked!?- My scream caused the blonde to jump a little.

I turned around immediately and apologized. "Oh my god! I'm so sorry, Cate!"

"Hi, you." Soft laughter filled the room, as Cate chuckled. "It's alright, sweetheart. How did you sleep in the new bed?"

"Uhm... good.. good, I think?" I stuttered and frowned.

"You know, you can turn around."

"Are you..."

"Covered up? Yes, now I am." The blonde spoke and I could practically see her smiling, even though my back was still turned towards her. "You can take a shower now, if you like." Slowly, I turned back around.

"Again, I am really sorry..." I mumbled.

"And once again, it's alright." The woman approached me. "We're just women, aren't we?" She expected me to nod and so I did that once. A smile fell upon her lips. "I'll prepare breakfast. Any wishes?" I shook my head. "Cat got your tongue?"

"Sorry." I lowered my head a little. "I have none, but I could help you." Two fingers placed themselves underneath my chin, lifting it up. The woman stood so close by again, it made me swallow a little.

Oh no...

I glared into her piercing blue eyes. "Nonesense..." She flashed a gorgeous smile. "Oh and next to the sink is a new bandage and ointment. It's really good, I used it as well. But maybe you should let some air on it for a while." She said and her index finger stroke along my cheek, before she left the bathroom, through a different door.

I thought I knew this bathroom yesterday and now it makes sense. When I woke up yesterday, it was this bathroom I ran into and I came through the door Cate just left.

Well, I might need to take back, what I mentioned just two minutes ago. I am fucking awake now.

The image of her body had burned into my brain, even though I saw her for just two seconds. Cate's silky skin looked fabulous. Her wet hair... the scar on her lower abdomen...

The scar on her lower abdomen? Was that what she meant with complications during her pregnancy? Had she had a c-section? Was that the reason for the salve?

I stepped in front of the shower, after brushing my hair. My clothes found their places on the ground, whilst I stripped them off. The bandage as well. I put on a playlist and got into the shower.

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