Chapter 2 ᰔᩚ

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We all looked at Mirabel with a confused look

"You didn't get a gift?" A little girl said but we got interrupted by a guy with a gut

"Mirabel delivery," he said carrying a basket full of stuff

"I gave you the special since your the only Madrigal kid with no gift I call it the not special special since uh you have no gift!" He continued and handed it to her with a wide grin

I looked at him with a confused and disgusted look. That's kind of rude of him

"Thanks" Mirabel gave him an awkward smile "oh and tell Antonio good luck last gift ceremony was a bummer" he walked away a bit sadly and came back

"Last one being yours that did not work" he awkwardly walked away

"If I was you I'll be really sad" a little girl with pigtails and a hat gave a sad smile to Mira

"Well my little friend I am not because the truth is gift or no gift I am just as special as the rest of my family" she responded

We looked to her house being decorated by her family "maybe your gift is being in denial" the little girl continued

I went inside following Mirabel and it looked beautiful the decorations, the house, the color it's gorgeous

Although it looked so busy inside everyone trying to make it look perfect for the gift ceremony until my thoughts got disturbed by Pepa who has a tornado around her

"My baby's night has to be perfect and it's not perfect and people are going to be coming" Pepa panicked whilst Felix tried to calm her down

"The flowers! The flowers!" Felix tried to tell Pepa that the flowers are gonna mess up cause of the tornado

"Did someone say flowers?" We all looked at Isabela who gracefully did gymnastics with vines holding her

Everyone cheered and applauded at Isa but Mira had an annoyed face on I could tell they do not have a good relationship with each other

"Our angel our angel!" Felix said to Isa as she goes down

"Please don't clap" Isa responded giving a bouquet to Pepa "thank you " Pepa thanked her "oh it's nothing" Isa  gave a smile and hair flipped on Mirabel's face

"A little sisterly advice if you weren't always trying too hard you wouldn't be in the way" she smirked but it quickly turned into a smile as she gave me a flower headdress and proceeds to walk away

"actually Isa this is called helping and I'm not in the way you are- ugh" Mirabel responded and hit the pillar so I helped her carry  the basket and headed to the kitchen to drop off the stuff

I handed Mirabel the basket since it was too heavy and she groaned and placed the heavy basket on the floor "Mi Vida, you ok? You don't have to overdo it" her mom, Julieta asked Mirabel 

"I know, mama I just wanna do my part like the REST of the family" she carried heavy things to the table and of course, the good me helped her "she's right, Amor" now her dad, Agustin said with bee stings "First gift ceremony since yours. Lot of emotions" he continued 

"bee stings!" Mirabel complained "And I've been there" Agustin continued and Julieta turned around and sighed "Ay Agustin!" she complained and grabbed food for him to eat

 They talked about a lot and Julieta fed Agustin some food and healed him once we were done we headed out the kitchen to put out the stuff. It was awkward for me and I was relieved when we walked out

"Corazon, remember! You have nothing to prove!" Julieta shouted and Agustin followed

We went to the old nursery and grabbed some kind of things she knitted out of the drawer "what's this?" I asked as she handed me it "oh it's uh a present for my family put the candle in there" she pointed out

she gave me 'Carlos, Camilo, Isabela, and Dolores'. I'm doing Carlos' last I don't like that guy. I placed down Isa's, Dolores', and Camilo's presents from Mirabel in front of their doors. I walked to Carlos' door and placed the gift down "clean up your rooms I don't care how big they are" Abuela said to them

As I was about to stand up I met someone

"what are you doing?" I turned around and saw Carlos glaring at me "uh nothing I- I was just placing this gift from Mirabel and in that case, I have to go bye-" I ran as fast as I can to Mirabel and saw her with Abuela and she sadly walked away to the nursery so I followed her

I walked in and she just sat there sadly I went to sit beside her but she grabbed a box out of the drawer "everyone's looking for you~" she played with the string of the present waiting for a response but I just look at her in confusion

she grabbed it by the string and put it down for someone to reach still hanging from her hand "this present will self-destruct if you don't take it in three...two...oonnee oh-" someone grabbed it from under the bed and she went under the bed

"Nervous?" she asked. I just listened to the conversation. " you have nothing to worry about you're gonna get your gift and open that door and it's gonna be the coolest ever. I know it" she continued and I completely knew who it was

 "What if it doesn't work?" Antonio whispered (his cute voice ahhh) "well, in that impossible scenario you'd stay here in the nursery with me. Forever" she softly whispered "and I'd get you all to myself" she continued

"I wish you could have the door" Antonio whispered sadly "You know what? you don't have to worry about me 'cause I have an amazing family and an amazing house....and an amazing you" she responded

"and seeing you get your special gift and your door that's gonna make me more happy than anything. But, alas, I am gonna miss having the world's best roomie" she continued. She's so friendly and appreciative.

Antonio opened the gift and I took a peek to see what it is and it was a stuffed tiger " I know you're an animal guy and I made this so when you move to your cool, new room you always have something to snuggle with" she answered and went closer to Antonio

"you need to teach me how to crochet" I smiled and she nodded her head. A clock ringed which caught our attention "All right, hombrecito, you ready?" Mirabel asked Antonio

"sorry, I gotta get one more squeaze" she hugged Antonio for dear life and casita moved the tiles and rolled them out from under the bed and casita made me fall and rolled me out the door as well

A/n: Yay! it's done I can't wait for Antonio's ceremony! 

What's your favorite color and why? just asking for fun

See you loves again in the next chapter! peace! <33

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