•Chapter 1. REWRITE•

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▪︎3rd person POV▪︎

Killer laid in his unmade bed, his face shoved in his pillows and the blanket wrapped around his legs and at the foot of his bed. His alarm was beeping continuously, with bright red letters that flashed the dreadful time of 5:37 AM. Groaning, he reached out over to the nightstand and turned his alarm off.

He got up and got dressed into his normal t-shirt and jeans, along with his 2-inch platform combat boots. He then trudded sleepily- back full of scoliosis- to the bathroom, putting on some eyeliner and fixing his bangs so they would hang over his eyes properly. He then left the bathroom, turning off the bathroom light as he grabbed his backpack, slinging it over his shoulder.

Killer plugged in his headphones, turned on some 90's rock and started his mundane commute to his new school. Killer always hated school. He was never able to get good grades and was always bullied. At his other school he was an easy target for bullying. People would bully him for his eyes and even bullied him about his weight, because of this he could never sleep since he was always trying to change how he looked.

He finally made it to school and took out his schedule, which had all his classes, the wonderful lunch hour, and his locker combo. When he made it to his locker, he unlocked it, haphazardly throwing his backpack in it as he then only took out the necessary items.

Killer made it to his homeroom class and sat down in the dingy back-corner desk of the classroom. He was pretty early, but soon enough the room started filling up with other high schoolers, the room getting louder and louder as students talked about the newest animation series and Netflix shows. Killer paid them no mind, pulling out his favorite Stephen King book, Mr. Mercedes. That book was always appealing to him..it had sex, and murder, which was right up his alley. If he were to describe the book to someone all he would say is 'A guy steals a womans car and commits mass genocide with it while masterbating' (real book btw. It's really good.)

Killer felt excited when it described how all the bodies crunched under the car as the main character drove into a crowd of people. It almost gave him a sense of pleasure, and on multiple occasions turned him on. He was a sadistic fuck, he knew, but it was so much more interesting than whatever the fuck kind of life he had right now. Imagine comparing being a sexy and mysterious serial killer to attending a school who couldn't even fund water fountains. He got so into the book that he didn't even hear the bell ring signaling that school had officially started.


Killer had officially made it halfway through the day avoiding everyone like the plague, but his 6th hour class was P.E.- something Killer hated the most in school. He hated the locker rooms more because he was forced to change infront of everybody, which was quite literally the worst thing in the world. Apparently those of the same sex should be totally comfortable with swinging their private parts out. But instead of being afraid of people making fun of his shrimp-size, he was instead fearing that they would make fun of his weight. He feared that they would call him weak because he was very skinny for his age (and gender). It wasn't even Killer's fault, he had a fast metabolism and had great difficulty putting on pounds, nonetheless keeping them. He thought of skipping gym or telling the coach he couldn't participate because of his eye. Surely that excuse would work again for the umpteeth time, right? Like that had worked more than two times, but it wouldn't hurt to try again.

When Killer was younger his father stabbed him in the eye. 'Sadly' , his father is no more, the police came and took him away after that incident. And that was all Killer could disclose about that incident.

He made it to the changing room and looked for a locker to dump all of his useless shit into.Ah, the weird cum-stained locker that was in the corner and looked like a drug stash. Perfect. He shoved his computer and backpack in it carelessly, sighing. Killer then waited for everyone to leave before he started changing. He was a minute late but he didnt care, at least nobody saw his disgusting body.

*•.¸♡My 'Happy' Ending♡*•.¸  (highschool Au)Where stories live. Discover now