fresh start! chapter 1.

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It was a nice day quite to nice to be honest...the day started out good for bob our main character! Everyday now and on bowaev would be oversleeping when highschool had started...but it was fine for bob to say at least..

but it was fine for bob to say at least

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"Aahhh! Im so late!" Said a figure.

I see a guy running towards me like hes clueless that he might draw any attention to himself.

"I'm so sorry bob!" The guy said.

"Oh god why do you keep oversleeping!" I said.

"Ohh! Im so sorry bob!" The guy said.

"Bowaev just be early for once!" I shouted.

"Alright alright I'll try!" Bowaev exclaimed.

"Anyway are you planning on joining a club this year bob?" Bowaev added.

"What...?" I asked.

"I thought you said you would finally join a club this year!" Bowaev cried.

Oh god... Thats probably from one of our conversations i had with him i just need to go with the topic everytime...

"Im planning to join the anime club i guess..." I said.

"What!?" Bowaev screamed.

"Lets just get to school already!" I mentioned.

"Oh your right!" Bowaev had said.

We were on our way to school and we ran as fast as we could bowaev is lucky i even waited for him.


It seems that class is over and i think i slept again

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It seems that class is over and i think i slept again...and me and bowaev are the only ones here...

"Hey did you sleep in class again?" Bowaev said.

"Yeah..." I said.

"Well since your planning to join a club...why dont you go to mine!" Bowaev mentioned.

"But i was gonna join the anime club!" I said.

"Oh cmon! Please bob i promised my friends that we would have a new member!" Bowaev cried.

"Dont make promises you can't fulfil bowaev..." I said.

"Fine! But just go! I even told bobal to make cupcakes!" Bowaev added even more.

"Fine i guess I'll drop by for cupcakes.." i groaned in defeat.

We were at the hallway on the 2nd floor to bowaev's club and i swung open the door to find 5 men standing like they were going to greet me

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We were at the hallway on the 2nd floor to bowaev's club and i swung open the door to find 5 men standing like they were going to greet me.

We were at the hallway on the 2nd floor to bowaev's club and i swung open the door to find 5 men standing like they were going to greet me

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"Welcome to boki boki literature club!" Said the blonde guy.

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