Poems! Chapter 3.

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"So what do you exactly do here..?" I asked.

"Well this is the literature club! We would usually read or try writing stories!" Bosip answered.

"What about poems?" I asked once again.

"Poems...?..Ah yes! Poems! I totally forgot it was part of literature!" Bosip said.

Ah yes! Poems! I totally forgot it was part of literature!" Bosip said

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"Yeah..sure..." Bosip said.

"I have an idea!" Bowaev cutted in the conversation.

"Oh! What could it be bowaev?" Bosip asked the child.

"How about we write poems and we get to show to them to each other daily!" Bowaev explained.

"Bowaev...thats brilliant!" Bosip agreed.

"The day is almost over..." Boder said.

"I see...How about if we get home and we could write poems?" Bosip asked.

"Sure that's ok with me!" I answered.

Everyone then agreed then we all headed home me and bowaev walked home together it was fun chatting on the way to be honest. Next i pulled out my notebook and pen then started writing what i could think of. Poems are for expressing feelings and emotions. I dont really know how to express my feelings that much...but ill try...

---------------------Next day---------------------------

Again...i have to wait for bowaev to arrive...why did he even start oversleeping...im tired of waiting. I'm just gonna go without him.


"Hey wake up sleepyhead!" Someone said disturbing my sleep.

I open my eyes and i see bowaev. He's probably mad over me not waiting for him. I feel so tired...

"Why did you not wait for me!?" Bowaev shouted at me.

"My patience couldn't take it anymore." I replied.

"Hmp! Fine I'll forgive you since you wait for me almost everyday..." Bowaev said.

I sigh. Well i guess its time to get to the club..

 Well i guess its time to get to the club

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2022 ⏰

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