chapter 8

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I changed the age for Kai to 10 yrs old instead of 6

After we ate, we well Boobear drove us home

When I gotten home, I took my bags from Hot Topic and took them to my room

"KELLY BELLY OPEN UP!!" I heard Boobear call from the front door

I ran downstairs to open my front door

All five boys had bags of food

They all set down the bags and starts to unpack and put the food away

I saw OJ, milk, different meats and cheeses, and other things

I looked in a bag that was on the counter

I checked what was in there and saw tons of different candies

Boobear I thought

I took a bag of skittles out and I started to eat them

"I see you found the candy" said Liam

"Yupp" I said

"We bought chocolate, marshmallow, and gram crackers for the bon fire" said Liam

"Yay bon fire, haven't have one since well forever" I said

"Come one we are setting it up now" Liam said while taking the candy bag

We walked outside and saw the bon fir pit lit

I sat down on a chair and I started to warm up

Louis gave me a marshmallow and a roasting stick

I put the marshmallow on the stick and I start to roast the marshmallow

I took the marshmallow out of the fire and I ate the marshmallow without the chocolate and cracker

I grabbed another mellow and did the same

This time I made a smore

After I had three smores, I just sat by the fire to stay warm

But I was still cold

Then someone put a blanket around me

I looked at who did it and saw it was Harry

"Thought you needed one, you looked cold" he said

"Thanks Hazza" I said

"No problem" he said

After many hours, maybe a few hours I dozed off by the fire

I felt someone picking me up

I groaned a little, when that same someone put me down on something soft

"Kelly wake up, so you can change into something cozy" said Harry

"No, I want to sleep" I said

"Okay Kelly, the guys and I are going home" Harry said kissing me head

"Night Hazza" I said

The next morning, I woke up and brushed my hair and teeth

The I went downstairs to get something to eat

After I ate, I went upstairs and gotten dress and I left the house

I walked till I came to a park

I walked over to the swings and sat on the non broken one

I swung for what seem like hours but it was about a few minutes

look after you (1D story/fanfiction) (on hold cause of writers block)Where stories live. Discover now