chapter 1

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"AHHHHHHH, I AM FUCKING UP!!!" I yelled at my alarm clock

God I hate waking up earlie, even if I am starting a new school year in a different country

Ya, you heard me, I am starting a new school year in England

I moved here by myself, but am not alone I have my two neko's (cats) Eddie (male) and Mitten (female)

I had Mitten since she was 4 years old and Eddie I adopted him from my ex-boyfriends mum cause she couldn't keep him

Anyways my name is Kelly Biedka (last name is Polish), I am 19 years old, and I moved her from the states (IL)

I came here to start the new school year

I got out of my bed and saw my two neko's by my door

"Morning Eddie and Mitten" I said opening the door for them to go eat

I went to my bathroom and started to get dress

I was wearing black pants, with a band t-shirt and necklace, then I put on a band hoodie. I put on my converse and then I put on some makeup, which is eyeliner and mascara

I went back into the bathroom and started to straighten my hair

When I finished, left to put on my studded belt and chain

After I grabbed my backpack and went downstairs to get something to eat

I pet both Eddie and Mitten and telling them good-bye

I left my flat and started to walk to school, which were a few blocks from me

I gotten to school and walked around and tried to find the front office, but I couldn't

I saw someone; I believed it was a teacher

"Excuse me miss, can you tell me where the front office is" I asked her

"Sure just follow me, I am going there now" said the teacher

"My name is Mrs. Roberts" she said

"Kelly Biedka, I am new here" I said

"Nice to meet you Kelly" said Mrs. Roberts while walking into the front office

"Thank you" I said

I walked up to the lady that sits behind the desk

"Good morning sweetheart, how may I help you" she asked

"Ya, my name is Kelly Biedka and I am new here, and I need my schedule" I said

"Alright" she said while going through the files, she came back with a few sheets of paper

"Here you go, here's a map of the school, behind your classes and a hallway pass for you to use if you get lost" she said

"Okay, thank you" I said while walking out

I looked down to see what classes I had

Ewwwww I had math first, second was French, third is English, fourth was reading, fifth was art, sixth was lunch, seventh was gym and eighth is study hall

I went to my locker but I didn't open it, instead I went to class or at least try to find it

When I found it, I went in and some people were looking at me

I walked to the back of the class and sat down

I took out my drawing pad and started to draw

I didn't know someone was sitting next to me

look after you (1D story/fanfiction) (on hold cause of writers block)Where stories live. Discover now