Hey...I honestly have no clue what I would do without you. You are, seriously, my best friend. I need you in my life. If there was no you, there would be no me. Everything that I am is because I've had you in my life. You changed me into a better person. You kept me going when all I wanted to do was check out. Because, it would be easier. You beat the sense into me, and then you did it again.
And again.
And again.
You've been there for me when no one else has. Hell, you let me sneak into your house and sleep in the same bed as you when I really had no where else to turn too. Even when I hogged the blankets, the pillows, and kicked your ass on the floor like you were a dog, or something. And, when I couldn't spend the night with you, you'd make sure there was somewhere for me to go.
You said that there was “No way in Hades that I am going to fucking let you live on that damned street again. You got off it once and there's a snowball's chance in Hell that it's going to happen a second time. Even if I hated your guts, which is a strong possibility right now, I wouldn't leave you to freeze. Or get mugged. Or, some other shit that we don't need to get into.”
God, you had such a way with words. You always know exactly what to say to make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. You use your words to make them butterflies become like suicide bombers in my stomach, love.
I remember the day that we met, even know. You made fun of my accent, and I made fun of yours. We couldn't've been that much older than...Eight? Yeah, that sounds right. Bitch, you made me fucking cry. Telling me I was trying to hard to sound British...I am British. And, I miss the accent...It's going away, Girlie! Chase it down! Make it come back! Scare it into listening to me! ...Does that even make any sense? ...Does it even matter?
I love you. And...
Everything I Do (I Do It For You).