Chapter 2: Guests, Training started and First Friend

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All Might(buff form)/Yelling-" I AM HERE"

Demonic Voice/Bloodlust-"Read the other stories mongrel."


Author POV

While Izuku was reading and testing out his new artificial quirk, Izumi and Toshinori happily entered their house as they were greeted by a green haired women. Toshinori went up to her and kissed her cheek while having a smile.

Toshinori-"Honey I told Izumi about me being All Might and offered one for all to her."

Inko-"That's great. I can't wait for our daughter to go out there and become a hero."

Inko then went to do her work when she suddenly looked at Izumi with a smile on her face.

Inko-"I also forgot to mention dear that I am the pro hero Green Telek and I am going to help you to control your telekinesis. Now, get ready the guests will be here soon."

Izumi was shocked again but composed herself quickly and happily went upstairs to get ready for the guests. She still couldn't believe that her parents were heroes and her father was going to pass his quirk to her. But she felt like something was missing but shrugged it off. 


Izuku just tested out his powers and was shocked to see it even more amazing and powerful than it was described in the book. But he knew he could barely control the powers so he need to start training his body. But first he needed to get a schedule ready but that was for later. He needed to get back 'home' and get all the materials he needs for his training and his diet.

Izuku-'I need to go back and get the supplies ready but getting enough food would be hard to do.'


As everyone got ready for the guests except for Izuku as he was setting up all the timing for his training. As soon as the door bell rang, Inko made her way towards the door and opened it to find two people. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2022 ⏰

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