Save Me

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[TW:] Physical & sexual abuse, bullying, and suicide. Please do not read this if you went through those.

Painful screams​ from ​a​ wailing woman and loud cracks of whip fill a stinky and small room of an old, abandoned house. The room was bare and raw. A small hanging lamp lights up a woman on the ground and a few guys standing around her.

Blood splatters are visible on the floor around the crouching skinny woman. She is breathing heavily and her naked body is all wet with blood as if there's no space left for new bruises. One eye is half-open caused by the swollen eyelid. Cuts on the side of both brows letting the blood drip on the side of her eyes.

Lips are bruised and with cuts. Her chests have fresh reddened scratch marks and cigarette burns. Whip marks are bleeding all over her back, arms, and legs. Tears on her eyes are unrecognizable as her face is covered in blood too.

"P...please... I... beg" The woman weakly pleads, with heavy breaths in between words. She could hardly breathe and move. The pain she feels starts to numb every corner of her near-dead body.

A tall, well-built man walks to her taking a closer look. He's wearing a black leather jacket and black pants and boots that somehow look like a uniform of their group.

He bends down in front of her then clears the hair sticking all over her face using the sharp end of his metal baton.

The man scoffed, feeling satisfied with his view.

"" The man softly calls then clicks his tongue.

Jessica tried to meet his eyes but it was too painful to move the muscles of her eyes.

"One week. I'll see you again. Same place. Same time. But different amount. Five... hundred...million... won." He made a soft pat using the baton on the woman's thigh.

"P--please... I... told you. I've... I've got nothing." The woman tried to answer.

The man lets out a devilish smile until he starts to giggle. That eventually became a loud, and long laugh. The other men joined him for the very reason that he is the boss.

He suddenly stopped his laugh then glared at Jessica. "I don't fucking care." He stood up then walked away.

"Boss Taec!" The man in front of Jessica called. "Can we at least have a taste of her?"

The group of men starts teasing and gushing over the bleeding woman.

Taecyeon smirked and looked at him. "Uh...uh...uh..." He uttered as he shook his head lightly.

"Don't try to snatch my place. I'll have a taste of her on the last day and you can have yours after before she bids goodbye to this hell. No one touches her until then. Understood?"

The group of men answered in chorus, agreeing with their boss. They started to cheer too, feeling content and served.

"Are--are you really going to kill her, boss?" A teenage boy asked worriedly.

Taecyeon walks to him and pats his shoulder. "Yes. Because that's what she deserves. That's how much she's worth. If she can't pay me on Thursday, her life will serve as the substitute. You'll get used to it, Minho."

The young man nodded, feeling his body shaking internally in fear. He should definitely get used to every bullshit Taecyeon is doing. He didn't have a choice or else, he'll die too.

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