The machine

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                                                                          Authors note   ❤

hello my lovely's this is my first story so there's gonna be alot of mistakes like spelling errors and punctuation errors so like I said said its my first time plz do not judge anyways here some important facts about the story Otto is your best friend along         he's you're boss and when the writing is bold like it is right now you're the one talking and for example: 'what?' that means that your thinking also in the movie Rosie Otto's wife doesn't exist in this plus every day I'm going to adding to this so when you're first reading this it might be short anyway enjoy and you guys have a great day love y'all  <3


"Greetings y/n!" you are greeting by a pair of hazel brown eyes followed by smoky dark brown hair and a comforting smile "Goodmorning Dr. Octavius!" you say with a warm smile "Please call me Otto." he insists "Alrightly ottie!" "ottie huh?" "you give me nicknames all the time though!" he rolls his eyes. "so how's it coming" "gotta make some adjustments." you think to yourself 'wait does that mean he's almost done I'll just ask him'  "Wait so it's almost done?" "almost but enough talking and more working, use that big brain of yours." 'wow did he spend all night working on that machine?!  you both get to work and it's finally finished "IT'S DONE!!!" shouts Octavius from across the room. 'is it really done?!' you think to yourself "Otto are you sure you didn't miss calculated?" "I'm sure y/n trust me on this one I didn't miss calculate." "okay but i trust you on this one. I'm being serious."  "I know I promise I wont blow up the city." he said while chuckling "Otto..... I'm being serious this isn't something you joke around you could get hurt.." "y/n trust me I know what I'm doing, stop worrying about me you're pushing yourself too hard lately." "I'm pushing myself too hard?! you the one who stayed up all night working on this and I'm gonna keep worrying about you because i care about you  Octavius!!!" you snap at him. his eyes are wide open now. "y/n.... you're just a kid you need to stop worrying about me I'm alright..." "No you're not!! You're not okay you need to relax a bit your working and working you don't ever get a break I get that this is very important to you and no I'm not just a kid I'm 26!! not pushing yourself everyone can tell that you're hurting inside just let go relax stop pushing yourself!!!! NO YOU'RE NOT OKAY!!!!" the tears finally fall out and stream from Otto's face. you run up to him and hug him tightly, and wiping away his tears "hey shhhh its gonna be ok...but I'm taking you on a break ok?" "fine..." you let go of you grip on him as he wipes his tears. You look at him straight in the eyes "I know I'm not your boss but your definitely taking a break off of work today"       "but-" "you cut off Octavius "no buts I'm taking you on a break." you grab his hand and push him out the door "y/n where are you taking me?" Otto sniffles  "you'll see." 

you guys arrive at the rave cinema "the movies?" "Yup i felt like you would love it here!"      "I never but here before." "waitttt- you're telling me that you never but to the movies before?!" "yeah basically." "WHAAAAAAAA- I'm so done talking with you 😤" Otto cant help but laugh... you grab him by the collar of his shirt pulling him in for a kiss

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