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                                                                             TW: Suicidal Thoughts.

Wilbur POV:

I was excited to see Tubbo after so long. I too was worried for Tubbo. They have't streamed or really talked to anyone in such a long time.

Tommy usually goes over the top with his plans but this one seems pretty nice. A small picnic at the park with his two best friends, eating lunch.

A few weeks before Tubbo stopped streaming, I noticed he seemed really down. I offered help but he turned that down. At least they know that he always has someone to talk to. Even though he hasn't talked to me at all. I know he sees me as more of a parental figure than anyone else. But I don't wanna pry. He will talk to me when he is ready, and hopefully that will be at the picnic.

Tubbo POV:

Oh god. Oh god. Oh god. What do I do. I have a few days before I see my friends. Anyone else might think that was great but nooooooo. I know for a fact the second I show up they will ask me all these questions. I can't let them know. They would either treat me as a freak or a child. I don't want that!

Worst of all, I'm not physically ready. I started doing all these calculations in my head. How much do I weigh now and how much can I lose before I see Tommy and Will. I basically sprinted to the nearest mirror to examine myself. I looked gross. Fat in the places there shouldn't be fat and my eye bags had eye bags and I looked like a weird human-goblin hybrid. I hated myself.

I decided that I'm going to consume nothing but water until Saturday. It was currently Wednesday which means that I had about three days. In that time I'll also work out. I'm so incredibly stressed that I feel like I'm gonna puke.

I started thinking of alternative scenarios. Is it too late to cancel? Probably. What if I just don't show up? That would make them more suspicious. What if I... kill myself... no no no no no that is not an option. What am I thinking! I should probably take a nap just to get my mind off of things.

-Small Time Skip-

After my nap I feel a little better. But the more awake I felt the more my mind started to wonder and I didn't like where it was going so I decided to go for a run. The weather was nice anyways so why not. I put on my jacket and went out the door.

Tommy POV:

I asked Wilbur to come over to my house to not only figure out what to do with Tubbo but also to prepare for the picnic! We needed to make all of Tubsters favorite foods so he could feel better.

About half an hour later Will was at my doorstep. I welcomed him in with a hug and brought him to my kitchen.

"Okay, so first of all we need to organize this a bit better. Where should we go? What foods are we bringing? How do we talk to Tubbo to not only make him not freak out or feel bad or whatever and what should we ask him?" Wilbur said in a calm but serious tone.

"I'm already three steps ahead of you William! We should go to that one park that is in between me and Tubbo's house which literally no one goes to ever so it would be perfect. There are also swings there and I really want to swing!" I exclaimed.

"You are literally a two year old in a teenage body"

"Shut up you prick!" I playfully punched Wilbur as we laughed. "Anyways, we are going to get all of Tubbo's favorite foods like strawberry cake, pasta, and those weird chips that they like... what are they called? Monster munch?"

"This sounds great, we should bake the cake here then get the rest at the shops. For the serious part with talking to him about how he is doing and what's going on and why he has basically been isolating himself for months, we should just be calm and not treat it as an interrogation. You got that Tom?" Wilbur stared at me as if I was going to be weird with my best friend.

"Yes I got that. I'm not an idiot." I stared at him with a threatening, non threatening facial expression.

"Okay great. So let's get baking!"

(Author's note: heheeh it's been like two years and I forgot that this existed but then I found it and thought it would be funny to update it again. Who knows when I'll upload next ooOOooOOoooO)

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