Dear Diary

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Dear Diary,

This is the start of my new journey in life. I've found myself a new home, granted, it's not the best. It's just a little hut I found down a empty field, though it will do.

I won't be staying long in this city anyways.

I'm here for my target, and Mr. Midlay has offered me quite a lot of money for this one as well. I don't know what's so special about this little boy, he's a kid, but I'm not complaining. Must be some trauma or personal agenda or something.

I'm gonna get leaving soon and make sure I get that kid over with. He's so frail anyways, how hard could killing a little child be?

However, that isn't the only thing I'm here for. Those sick bastards put me in that damned Asylum, and I'm gonna get them for that, I'm gonna make them all suffer, suffer in a nice, hot, death.

That's what they all deserve, nothing but death, all of them.

[ . . . . ]

"Ah. You must be Fran, is that right?" the door of the office opened as a short teenager with jet black hair stepped in, his hands tied together behind his back, a suit they'd give to mentally crazed people on him.

He, Fran, didn't say a word, he didn't even move.

"Fran Williams. Welcome Fran, sit down please." the man in the office desk told the younger male.

The man had a scruffy, short, dark beard on his face, as well as a moustache with the same qualities. He was wearing a fine suit and had chocolate brown eyes that stared directly into the masked boy's hidden ones. The man's hair was also black, however it had a different shade, it was charcoal black instead of jet black.

Fran stared at the man, swallowing his appearence in his mind, before following the orders he was given and sitting down on a chair the opposite side of the man's.

The man smiled, seemingly pleased.

"I am Dr. Jay Kollen, but you can call me Dr. Jay. Pleased to meet you, Fran." Dr. Jay introduced himself, his smile having a kind taint to it that Fran spat at under his mask, remaining quiet.

"Ah, I see you are no talker. That is quite alright." Dr. Jay cleared his throat. "Do you know why you are here?"

Fran only slightly tilted his head from one side to the other.


"Hmm, you should, haven't they told you?" the young boy was confused as to who Dr. Jay was referring to, and so Dr. took that as a sign that Fran indeed didn't know.

"I see. Well, you should know yourself. You were sent here because you were submitted into this hospital."

Fran's eyes widened.

Who would send him in? Who the fuck had the balls to-

"The person who submitted you is. ." Dr. Jay scrumpled his nose and picked up a notepad that lay on his desk, reading out something with Fran carefully watching his pupil movement.

"Mary Raynolds. Would you happen to recognize this person?" Dr. Jay looked up from his notepad and into the kid's mask, watching his head slowly, yet confidently tilt from side to side again.


"Are you sure, Fran?" Fran was truly delighted by the fact his mask was there to act as a blanket to his quivering emotions as he felt betrayal, guilt, and especially anger seep into his veins.


"Really? Mrs. Raynolds told us otherwise. She told us you were sleeping with her, and had a very close connection with her." Dr. Jay frowned as he tried to read the kid, but no matter how hard he tried-

He couldn't.

Fran's hands, which were seated clasped together on his lap due to his restraints, were now shaking, that being the only movement you could see of him.

7.8 seconds of silence had passed before Dr. Jay let out a deep sigh, clasping his hands together on the desk, looking onto Fran as a disappointed father would.

"Look, Fran. Mary brought us this. . Book, you have made." Dr. Jay frowned, an expression Fran liked to see more than that foul smirk of his.

Though, after that thought, he realized what Dr. Jay said.

Panic rose within him, his heartbeat speeding up as he shakily cocked his head in confusion.

Dr. Jay searched through multiple books on his deks, tsking in annoyance before finally finding the book he was looking for, and pulling it up for Fran to see.

 Jay searched through multiple books on his deks, tsking in annoyance before finally finding the book he was looking for, and pulling it up for Fran to see

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The pages of the diary opened due to the cold air of the room forcing it open with it's force, and almost like hitting a jack pot - at least in Dr. Jay's case - it landed on a page Fran had a temper tantrum on.

"Fran. I need you to be honest with me from here on out, alright?" Dr. Jay had a neutral expression on his face now, never breaking eye contact - or, what he thought was eye contact - with the other male.

Said other male stared at Dr. Jay for 2.5 seconds, unmoving, before he nodded slightly as a understanding.

"I will hand you a few tests you'll need to complete today, and once you do, you'll get escorted off to your room. Do you understand?"

The ever so patient doctor waited for Fran to move again, and so said boy did after another 2.5 seconds, nodding his head slightly.

"Alright. Are you left handed or right handed?"

Fran put up both of his hands in the air and twitched his left one.

The doctor in front of him nodded and sat up from the desk, unlocking his left hand and locking his right to the desk, afterwards going back to sitting on the chair on the other side, opening a cabinet, and pulling out five papers, as well as a pen.

"Let's get started then, Fran."

End of "Dear Diary"

Heads up - this was inspired by Fran Bow and Sally Face, as well as my experience with mental hospitals when it came to the whole 'take a test' thing.

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