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*Sam's P.O.V*

By now all of my birthday party invitations were handed out and I was all set with the preparation etc.

I was now in the art therapy studio with Jamie, Toff, Andy and Sam.

I was talking with Sam and Toff when Jamie called us over after talking to Andy about what I believe to be his painting.

We had just finished out paintings and Jamie started to talk, "So I have organized a trip to France! And so, what I have organized to do is rent a chateau in France. And I mean it when I say it, It is A Chateau" I guess he wasn't talking about Andy's painting then.

"I call best room," Sam said and Jamie then told him, "Oh mate, I run a business, we run a business!" Sam's jaw dropped and he pointed his paintbrush at Jamie and said, "You are NOT making me stay home to run a business!"

Me and Toff began to giggle at them and Jamie said, "Someone needs to watch the sheep while the Shepard away." Me and Toff burst out laughing at what he said but we stopped when Name twin gave us a deadly look.

"Sammy, Sammy you know why you're not coming? It's because Tiff is here and you can sort it out with her. I'm taking to wolf, Literally, away from her you know, cub. If you really like this girl and you really honestly want to be with her and your mind is clear on that then this is your opportunity to do it." Jamie lectured him.

He then called Louise and told her about it when she asked if Andy was coming I took the phone off of him and told her, "Yeah it doesn't matter, i'm gonna be there, your best friend Sammy and Andy's gonna be there, Okay bye!" I then hung up and we all laughed together. I then said to Jamie, "By the way Shot gun best room." He groaned and said, "Sammy!" I laughed and dabbed some paint on his forehead and we began to have a bit of a paint fight.

(Skip the flight to France)

Unfortunately Stevie couldn't make it.

All the girls were by the pool side bar me, Louise and Lucy. Louise was out on a romantic bike ride with Alik so that's why she wasn't there. I was already in my bikini but I had it underneath my clothes because I was looking for Lucy to come and join me. I walked down by the orchards and saw the Jamie, Andy, Proudlock and Lucy were there. I was riding on a skateboard so I rode really fast down the path way and stopped right beside where The gang were. They looked a bit shocked at first but then I said, "Hey guys! So sorry but I'm going to nick Lucy from you and we're going to go to the pool and sun bathe!" I shoved the skateboard in Jamie's hands and grabbed Lucy's hand and a bottle of wine and ran off with she and I giggling like crazy. I then heard Jamie call, "We have to pay for those!" I turned back and yelled, "Yeah, Thanks J!"

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