Chapter 24

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Chapter 24 My Little Stupid

    Xie Yin's rural hometown is in a village more than 60 kilometers away. It takes more than an hour to drive there. Because it is a private trip, he did not call a driver, but drove by himself.

    Shen Ning sat in the co-pilot with the window open, feeling comfortable along the way.

    The world of the rich is omnipotent. Xie Yin’s hometown has been rebuilt by the government for many years. In fact, it has been planned as a scenic spot, and Xie Yin’s home is located in the left corner of the center of the scenic spot, occupying the most of the whole lot. In a good location, a sanatorium was established in a vast meadow and farmland to serve the elderly of the Xie family.

    The family Xie Yin is looking for is his uncle and grandma. To say that this blood relationship is actually very biased, but the relationship between people is not determined by blood relationship alone. When Xie Yin was young, he grew up with his uncle and grandma. The uncle had passed away for many years, and this uncle in the family was the closest to him.

    In this paradise-like scenic spot, Xie's house still retains the image of the past, and several neighbors in the annex have been preserved intact. , to bring homeland nostalgia for the old people who have not stopped.

    But these houses are just to look at. Xie Yin's uncle, grandma and several children live in the newly built nursing home. The home has hired a special person to take care of it. Opening the door is a good view, ensuring a good mood for a day from opening your eyes. start of the first second.

    Xie Yin looked like a very good and filial grandson in front of his uncle who had grown up with him since he was a child. He looked very well-behaved, and the corners of his eyes were not at all hostile, and even a little soft, especially when he spoke in dialect.

    Shen Ning's hometown is in the north, and Xie's family is located in the south. The accents on the two sides are different from each other. Shen Ning can only pick up a few scattered words from the words, such as:


    "Good boy."

    "Some people earn money. ......"

    "Have a good meal."


    After a while, the misty-eyed old lady in the wheelchair finally looked at Shen Ning, Shen Ning's heart tightened slightly, when she heard her use She tried to speak as close as possible to the vernacular:

    "Good girl, good girl."

    Xie Yin said warmly, "It's a boy." The

    old lady didn't know if she understood, but just kept smiling and nodded to say that Shen Ning was good. Shen Ning had a guilty conscience of deceiving the ninety old lady, her ears were slightly red, and she said with shame,

    "Hello, uncle, I'm Shen Ning."

    "Okay, okay."

    Xie Yin took his hand from the old lady . He pulled his hand back, lowered his head and said to his uncle, "Let's go dig some bamboo shoots and come back to eat. You can rest for a while."

    "Okay, okay."

    The old lady seemed to understand, but also seemed to only know what to say, Xie Yin took Shen Ning to the back mountain, until the soles of the shoes touched the soft soil, Shen Ning knew what Xie Yin meant by changing into loose casual clothes.

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