• Gift Ceremony || Chapter 1

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Welcome to the story! I hope you enjoy this! Me and my friend ExpiredNooobb have worked hard on this fanfic! I wanted to give a shoutout to him because without him this fanfic wouldn't of been a thing to begin with, plus he's helped with ideas and motivation alot! So thank you! :D

Anyway, onto the story!

Heavy, blinding sun rays hit the young boys face, forcing him to open his eyes to the warm summer morning. Today was the day. Both Carlos and Camilo would be turning 5 today, and we all know what happens on a Madrigals' 5th birthday. Something any child would dream of.

Being granted a magical gift.

He groaned as the unpleasant, flashy sun light attacked his tired eyes. In attempt to hide from the vicious morning light, he buried his head underneath his pillow, hopefully allowing him to get atleast a 5 minute lay in.
But as soon as Camilo woke up that plan was practically impossible.

Camilo has jumped out of bed the moment he opened his eyes. He frantically ran over older brother's bed, shaking him awake as hard as he could.

"Come on, wake up already! How could you not be excited for a day like this?!" Camilo cheerfully cried, almost yelling directly into his Brother's ear.

Carlos scoffed, "No one said I wasn't excited.. but you sure aren't making it anymore enjoyable for me. Now let me sleep!"
Just as Camilo opened his mouth to respond, in runs the twins beloved cousin, Mirabel.

"HEY BOYS! WAKEY WAKEYY! IT'S YOUR GUYS' BIG DAYS!" She shouted, grinning ear to ear.

"See Carlos! Even Mirabel seems more excited then you! And it's not even her gift ceremony, or birthday!" Camilo whined.

Getting frustrated with his brothers whiney protests, and his cousins attempt to congratulate them, Carlos let out a heavy sigh before saying, "I don't care! Let me sleep, for five more minuets!"

Both the younger brother and cousin give eachother an annoyed and disappointed glance, then shrug and decide to go on without him.

~ Time skip ~

Carlos and Camilo were already wearing their white and gold suits, Camilo standing proud and tall, ready to take on whatever crowd that's out there.

Carlos, on the other hand, was the polar opposite of his brother. He was dreading walking down the aisle with people eyeing him up and down. Watching his every move. It seemed so easy to do, until you were the one doing it.

'Why doesn't Camilo feel the same?' He bitterly thought, 'He seems so Completely unworried, not a care in the world. He should be worried, panicking too. It's not fair.'
Carlos found him self glaring at his twin brother, He knew it was a pathetic thing to be Jealous of, but he was. And he couldn't help it.
The glare continued for a few minutes, dramatically building up feelings or jealousy and anger.

Only to be stopped by the simple motion of his brother turning around to face him.
Although he changed his facial expressions quickly, not quick enough.

He was met with his brother giving him back a dirty look.
"Why were you staring at me like that?" He questioned.

Carlos didn't even look at him, "I wasn't.. I don't know what you're on about..."

Camilo scoffed, "I just caught you GLARING at me! What, are you jealous that everyone likes me better?!" He sneered.

Carlos' eyes grew wide. "W-What, you know that's not true!" He growled back.

A true Menace to society || Carlos Madrigal x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now