• A clumsy accident || Chapter 2

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"You'll never catch me!" You teased as you ran frantically down the stairs, practically jumping.

"Nuh-uh! I will get you!" Your little cousin, Joseph, replied, breathing hard as he sprinted after you, trying to match your speed and impress you.

He began dashing down the stairs; unfortunately for him, his little legs weren't fast enough to carry his body at the speed he was going, he lost balance and began falling face first down the stairs. He gave a scared wail before a sudden
He began tumbling down the stairs uncontrollably. There was a sharp shriek of pain almost directly after the fall. The shriek was filled with muffled murmering and crying.
You look back with horror as you see Joseph on the floor grasping his ankle. It looked out of place and.... broken.

Because it was.

A worried and horrified gasp left your mouth involuntarily. "Joseph, don't worry It's gonna be oka-" You were cut off with Joseph's persistent cries and wails.
"I want my Mamaaa!" He cried.

You glanced at the time. 3:56.
Your Tía said she'd be home at 6:30, 7:00 latest. You still had ages till she'd be back, and no one else was home.

You ran to your young cousin's side to hug and comfort him, while desperately trying to grasp an idea of what to do.

You gasped, "I know, uh- I'll ask the Madrigals if they can help! .. hopefully.." You mumbled the last part to yourself.

You left the crying child in the house, feeling guilty but you really has no other choice.

You ran all the way through the village barging and banging into people on your way.

You couldn't waste any time!

You finally reach the magnificent home of the Madrigals and stood at the doorway. You hesitated at first but eventually gave the doors a knock. After a couple of seconds which felt like minutes.

A young boy, roughly around your age, opened the door. He had dusky brown sandals, plain dark grey pants, and a crimson red ruana decorated with zigzags and stripes. Matched with a white shirt and turquoise necktie.

His eyes beamed an emerald green. Although he had soft, curly hair drooping over his right eye, you could just tell that underneath was an eye just as beautiful as the left.

You hadn't realized but a few minutes of the boy standing there had already passed, and quite frankly, you had been staring at him.

"AHEM, Well?" He scoffed, snapping you out of your trance. "What do you want?"

You suddenly realized what you'd come for again, and the severity of the situation.

"Oh right! Uh- My little cousin really hurt himself and we're home alone and I didn't know what else to do so I thoug-"

"So you thought you'd come here to see if Tía Julieta would heal him, right?" He looked at you with irritation, as if you were already bothering him and his day just by your presence.

"U-Uh yea... If it isn't too much of a hassle.." you mumbled, timidly. It was as if you didn't want to say the wrong things to him, you didn't want to annoy him more then than you already had.

He sighed, bitterly. "She's not here right now... But.." he began, "she does keep some arepas in the kitchen for emergency use." He put his hands in his pockets and walked away towards the kitchen, motioning you to follow.

He leads you to the kitchen and then begins looking through the cupboards. You stand near to him just fiddling with Ur hands, not knowing what to do with yourself in this situation.

"Ah. Here they are.." he mumbled to himself as he reached for the basket of arepas. He then took one out of the basket and handed you the Arepa. While he passed it to you your hands touched for a brief moment. Creating this warm fuzzy feeling inside. You had no idea why you were acting like this, especially with someone you just met.

"U-Uhh.. thanks.." you said bashfully, scared to look him in the face.

"Do you want a drink or anything while you're here?" He asked, seemingly politely.

"That would be nice but... I don't think I can leave Joseph in agony much longer" you said, worry and empathy conquering your voice. "Thank you so much for everything though!" You began walking out the kitchen towards the door.

"Uh uh! Wait.. I'll... come with you I guess" Carlos quickly added, speeding up to you.

"Why?" You asked, with genuine confusion.

"To make sure you don't kill the kid! You don't seem too bright so who knows what you'd do" He murmured as he rolled his eyes.

You lead the way to your house, Carlos lingering not far behind you. As you got closer and closer to your house you began to hear Joseph's muffled sobs and wails.

You quickly hurried inside, not wanting to leave him suffering for any longer.

"Y/N..." Joseph whimpered, sniffling "Is.. Is that you?"
You walked over to him and kneeled beside him, Carlos still leaning on the front door's doorframe, "Yes! I'm here.. eat this. I told you it would be ok." You sighed with relief. He will be ok.
He shakily took the arepa and took a bite.

The magic healed his ankle almost instantly and an enthusiastic gasp escaped from Joseph's mouth. "My ankle is all better! It doesn't hurt anymore! I really worked" He cheered in delight.

You smiled warmly at Carlos. "Thank you so much! I don't know what I would have done without you!" You ran up to him and embraced him in a warm, thankful hug.

He looked absolutely disgusted.

"What are you DOING?! Get off!" He scoffed, practically pushing you away from him.

"I was just giving you a thank-you hug! geez...." You sadly sighed.

He rolled his eyes, "well you don't need to touch me and stuff! Just thank me!"
He began walking out of the house and up the path back to his own.

"Thank you again! Uh- Hopefully I'll see you around?" You shouted at him, hoping he would hear.

"And I hope you don't!" He yelled back, clearly jokingly as he turned to you for a second with a smirk on his face.

You laughed it off and went back inside to help Joseph more and get through the day.

Time skip

It was late, you just finished getting ready for bed. It's been hours since you saw that Madrigal boy, yet you haven't been able to stop thinking about him.

"And I hope you don't!"

The image of his stupid smirk was still freshly indented in your mind.

You'd been thinking of him all day... only to realize.

"I don't even know his name."
Your thoughts paused.

You didn't even know this boy's name. He'd helped Joseph. He was in your house. You've been thinking of him for hours. and you don't even know his name.

"I'm finding out his name tomorrow. No matter what"

Your mind was set on it.

You layed in your bed staring at the ceiling as you began planning your approach to him tomorrow.

"Sorry Madrigal, but I believe you will be seeing me around tomorrow. and there is no stopping it"

Thank you for reading and I'm so sorry it took me so long to get the next part out!
I already have plans for next chapter so plot isn't a problem anymore! But unfortunately, my phone has been confiscated for who knows how long so it's gonna be harder to write.

Thank you all so much for your support on the 1st chapter and reading all the comments made me laugh!

See you all next time!

Word count: 1236

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2022 ⏰

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