does he always do this?

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Flora hates two things about September 1st.

One is she has butt loads of homework coming soon, and two, she has to wake up early. Flora absolutely hates waking up early, what can she say, the girl needs her beauty rest. So, after forcing herself awake she got ready for the day, grabbed her bags, and met with her family downstairs.

Where Alexander, her mother, and father were setting for breakfast. Alexander, her older brother graduated last year and handed his title of quidditch captain to none other than James Potter, and to say the least, Flora couldn't care less.

She never particularly cared for the sport, but she would sometimes imagine what it would be like to be on the team.  Sometimes she did wonder though, if she had carried on family tradition, how different would her life had been?

After breakfast, the Wood family apparated to none other than King's Cross Station where they said their goodbyes.

It was never hard for Flora to say goodbye, she loved her family, of course, they just never really paid much time to her, or understood the poor girl.

They were usually preoccupied with Alex and his quidditch career, and Flora was okay with that, she was fine with her parents focusing their whole lives on Alex because it gave her, her very own independence.

Of course, it hurts sometimes, but life is life, and Flora's learned to deal with it that way. It's not meant to be fair.

After goodbyes were quickly exchanged Flora found her way to the luggage collector and quickly grabbed Achilles, her tabby cat, and her very own owl, Persius.

She just may have a thing for Greek Mythology. As she grabbed Achilles she looked up and noticed a head of fluffy brown hair, complemented by a charming face with healing scars all over it, chatting away with his overly-excited comrades.

The face that belonged to none other than Remus Lupin of course. Something sent sirens and alarms off all throughout Flora's body. There has always been something off with him, and Flora knew exactly what.

Remus Lupin was a werewolf, she knew this of course. It was so simple, he disappears a day before and after each full moon and comes back looking as if he's just started healing from both a fever and a battle. It didn't bother Flora, no werewolf bothered her except Fenrir Greyback himself, and if she ever met the man she vowed to kill him herself.

Flora had never had trouble looking at Mr. Lupin before, so why no is her voice caught in her throat? And why are her hands all sweaty?

With Achilles in one hand and Persius' cage in the other Flora stalked off to find Lily in their carriage, well not ''theirs'' but Lily and Flora's unassigned carriage. She was surprised to find it uninhabited, so she put both Achilles and Persius down, shut the door, and went to look for the flower, Lily Evans.

Before being able to do a full turn into the aisle Flora was knocked directly onto her bottom, throwing her book out of her hands. Without being able to say anything first, Flora is interrupted by apologies, from a very, very flustered Remus Lupin.

''it's quite alright Remus, you've already explained you didn't see me''

''right well, I still feel horrible about it''

After noticing Flora trying to peer around his lanky, tall frame he questions what she's doing.

''you haven't seen Evans yet have you?'' inquired Flora.

''I assumed she would be with you,''replied Remus.

''Oh, well I haven't seen her yet and the prefect meeting doesn't start till later''

Flora kept rambling and mumbling endless possibilities on what could've happened to her dearest friend until she was interrupted by the boy, more so gentleman in front of her.

''Would you like to sit with my friends and I?'' asked Remus.


So Remus asked again to which Flora agreed to, not knowing whether she did it to actually talk to the famously known boys, or to study Remus more. To see how he talks when he may feel comfortable and what-not, but she did.

Flora didn't know what to expect while following Remus toward their compartment, would they like me, accept me? The one thing Flora didn't expect to find was an already drunk Sirius, a furiously blushing Peter, and a very friendly Potter.

She and he had been good acquaintances because of her brother and all, but James didn't ask for her brother's autographs or ask how he made it professionally like everyone who talked to her did, he talked to her about herself.

James and Flora whether they were only ''acquaintances'' or not, cared for each other, in a big brotherly young sister sort of way.

All because one night when Flora Wood found James Potter crying atop the Astronomy Tower about never being good enough, which turned into Flora crying for the same reason.

(They both low key need therapy)

Though they both promised never to speak of the night to another person, Flora and James promised to help each other, whether that meant with studying, pranks, or even a shoulder to cry on, they were always there for each other. Always.

So, it stunned the whole group except James when she walked through the sliding door. Not without a wolf whistle and congratulations towards Moony about scoring with Flora Wood, which resulted in Remus replying with something along the lines of 'shove off'.

It stunned the three boys, even more, when James and Flora started catching up as old friends do.

''is she just going to pretend I'm not sitting across from her?'' dramatically wailed Sirius.

''Oi paddy that's what we all do'' replied a laughing James.

''Does he always do this?'' whispered Flora to Remus questioning,

''of course, he does, he is Sirius Black after all'' answered Remus.

After laughing Flora finally acquainted herself with Sirius, not after chatting with Peter. The quiet boy deserved more recognition in Flora's eyes.

Quickly enough Flora had warmed up to the boys and was having the time of her life. She felt included and so very welcomed.

All of sudden a head of fire finds the compartment, but not without hearing James yell 'bye' and to tell Lily 'he is free this upcoming Saturday.'

Before fully leaving Flora turns and thanks Remus for showing a great deal of generosity, to which he started blushing demanding it was no big deal.

Lily dragged Flora off to their compartment and Flora could not have been more content with herself than ever. It was strange though she somehow already started missing the boys. Her boys.


My first chapter guys! I hope whoever,if anyone ever reads this enjoyed it somewhat, I have lots planned for the future, who knows, I might just make everyone smile or cry. I guess you'll have to just wait and find out yourself.

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