Meeting a god

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John is what they used to call me before that faithful day I met death.
I lived a normal life as a single 41 year old bodyguard, currently I was working for a church, a big one for that matter, with religion becoming more of a show of superiority it started to feel more and more like a party for the wealthy rather than preaching and living the best life you can, thats how far religions fallen, at this point the only ones who pray are the desperate and the greedy, it was sad really when I was younger I did read the (religion name) when I was with my grandmother to the point that I basically learned how to spell from it but, I guess that's what happens when the only book she owned was a religious one.
Later in life though had moved on going through life seeing, feeling and living the struggles and stresses and soon enough it had all added up and I started to lose some faith, I couldn't keep up with it though I new its religion, I couldn't ever find the time to relook much from the stress of working to many hours and always feeling tired

Soon enough I began to resent the religion when I would look at its words all it had were promises that wouldn't be fulfilled or shown to any of its followers, I'm sure I sound a little rude to people out their and don't get me wrong the younger year's of my life were fun and exciting going from college to construction, and then bodybuilding to get healthier which is also how I got this new job was great in the first place plus it was nice to be able to protect someone but I couldn't help but feel an emptiness or rather loneliness after by grandma died she was the only one I had she was like the rock that kept me grounded she looked after me when my parents left so after that I wanted protect someone I was never able to find love really working and worrying to much about bill and medicine for my grandma took a toll on my social and romantic life so anyone at this point would be nice to protect, to make me feel a little less powerless to death so I chose this job, it was important to those inside it became necessary for a bodyguard or police officer to stand guard after of the recent shootings of different churches and other religious facilities.

Although I felt like I had started back from where I was on day one lonely and empty, it was a great job being able to stand and get paid, being hired because of my physique and even encouraged to work out, it was really a great offer that couldn't be passed up life was starting to lighten up again though but I still felt like crap I was looking forward to a new me maybe meet a nice girl and start a family of my own but that only made me blush at the thought
Except that dream came crashing down like a hammer when I was walking home one night and as I was only a few blocks away from my apartment complex I started to relax more looking at my phone to pick a new song I could make out a truck that was coming down the road but I paid no mine feeling invincible and I truly felt at a safe enough distance away from where I was that I wouldn't be in danger even if it changed direction a little so I had gone back to looking at my phone and didn't realize that the truck seemingly out of nowhere lost control and swerved into my direction coming in full speed, I looked up quickly at the truck about to kill me and tried to evade as best as I could but no matter how far I got it was still in killing range realizing it was to late I close my eyes expecting death as a second past by... then 30s it seemed as though everything in that moment fell silent I take notice of this and open my eyes successfully I look around to see everything frozen in place as I face the truck driver who had a shocked and scared expression on his face, panicked I try to move my limbs but they wouldn't budge as if the only thing I could move were my eyes I start freaking out as thoughts rush to me
damn it!! is this some kind of having my life flash before my eyes kind of deal, I didn't even get a girlfriend before I died, life is to cruel- shouldn't I be dead by now This feels to long to be something normal
I move my eyes around to look at the people near me to see there reactions and the source behind this frozen time but it seem like everything was normal around me in the sense of me not about to die wow..what is this? I thought it was more of like a memory thing before I died not a freeze thing
Hello human~ I suddenly heard a loud and deep voice take over the surrounding areas I wanted to jump but I still couldn't move and the silence of the creature jolted me from my thoughts, when I went to speak from my mouth but it wouldn't move at all so I continued trying to move something, or anything
who's there? Why is everything frozen?
I thought as I got a little scared I move my eyes to look around again at my surrounding finding the source to be the man that was driving the truck speaking to me as if it was controlled like a puppet
I am what you humans may call god
wait It can read my thoughts I'm still looking at the truck driver in disbelief at what I had just heard
The voice seemed to move to a pigeon nearby as I became shocked by the talking bird
yes, yes I can
its response wasn't unexpected but it left me with quite a few moments to pondered and question literally everything in existence... huh? God? This is different than what I imagined, do you do this to everyone who dies or am I just hallucinating
I ask while I keep looking around a bit more toward the frozen birds flying above
yes child, no need to be shocked it is as I say, I have come here because I found that you lack faith even though you grew up with the knowledge of my power and what I can do with it so, What made you disbelieve in me?
I look back at the trucker man who is now speaking again and I almost felt like laughing
What reason did I have to believe anymore!? You just talked about having the power to read minds and stop time yet the world has got to shit with the chaos around us, the spilling of innocent blood, the church's  for you being corrupted as shit and unsafe for everyone in it, it's horrible. I would've figured you'd try and help your followers and give a little miracle here and there but you've done nothing and I've seen nothing good come out of following you except for regret at being apart of its corrupt following, and in this day in age religion really only holds you back from surviving in this world and gives you false hope. I start ranting and venting my frustrations of the world out not seeing the look on the truckers face as while I talk,
After my rants over I take a second to rethink what I said as I look back towards the driver who didn't look pleased in the slightest I gulp
It can be hard looking after trillions of being that I had created but, what your saying is there is no reason for you to believe in me anymore?
...Uh you miss some of what I said but I guess, unless you want to send me to hell or something but I'm sur- then why don't I give you one
he said interrupting like I didn't say anything,
I see the trucker smirking and looking quite dangerous but for some reason I can feel the real him the thing possessing the driver thriving on my suddenly quietness as well so I try to fix the situation
HUH!? wha-what do you mean give me a reason isn't there someone far more deserving of that than me!
I exclaim in panic hoping for a way out of this, this isn't good at all
yes there are plenty more deserving of that so...instead of what I had planned for you, how about I make sure your not alone in this new journey of enlightenment and spirit finding of yours then.
I continued freaking out more after that ominous line and tone I new this wouldn't be good as I start to hear his voice leave the trucker and continue to vibrate all around me
wait what's that supposed to mean!? isn't there something else we can do I don't feel like this is fair really...
the voice stopped and contemplated for what seemed like and hour but was only a second
uhm I suppose...but after dealing with that annoying atheist human earlier I don't think I'm in the mood to do something else plus I want to see how that little atheist will deal with you hmm hehe he
hey how is that my faul- wait what, pls wait rethi- before I could finish my sentence I could start to feel my muscles move as the world around me started to move and shift forming all sorts of colors, as the truck continued it course further towards me killing me leaving my soul in pitch darkness with a sound of distant screaming.

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