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Once max and I made it to the capital we landed near a tall, white building with pillars and large glass windows that seemed to looked very ominous in the late evening shadows with a surprisingly intense appearance to even the eyes of a grown man turned 6 year old, but I'm guess that's no surprise due to my short height now.
As my survey of the building concluded The rest of maxes platoon that was a few minutes behind us had finally caught up and began landing safely towards the ground In seemingly straight lines not talking as they waited for there commander to do something them which max acknowledged and in no time flat he gave a short speech of their good work today as well as what tomorrows events entail then promptly dismissed the group for the day letting men cheered a little internally, after that the company started to form smaller groups to chat in as they began taking off some of their heavier garments and equipment off to carry to lighten the load and no one batted an eye watching this all go down from the front of the groups with max, I soon became confused as to why they were stripping their gear so early in the middle of the capital but after asking max I was informed that apparently, the big building we were in front of "and I was about to go into" was also adjacent to a military base that was close by and max's platoon was conveniently stationed at so most of the team had nothing to worry about as the men eventually started diverging to put away their gear and get some rest for tomorrow, but as the group fully dispersed max and his group of friends on the other hand had decided to stay back in order to help me with some tips and directions to get around the capital and were even nice enough to give me a small map of the city and its buildings so I didn't get lost.
It had stayed like that taking and chatting with the men for a little while longer before I figured they had to leave soon as well so,
I said my goodbyes to max and his friends, thanking them for the ride over and promised to meet again and tell 'em how it went,
agreeing max smiled waving goodbye "it's no problem, just make sure to stay safe out here" he gave one final goodbye before he and his buddies walked off as I stood there I could hear distant laughter from there earlier conversation about drinking and some sorta gross sock soup I turned back to the building shuddering a little at the thought of the nasty soup but for now I have a bigger problem on my hands.

I stand staring at two very big and old looking doors that would hopefully soon lead me to my uncle and a dreadful explanation as to why I was there to see him in the first place not to mention the extreme possibilities of this going wrong and what I'm to do after this is over, like if I don't get taken in by hans I would most likely be screwed having to live a life on the streets or in an orphanage, or if he doesn't like me and just kicks me out all together but, what's worse is that can only occur if I can even talk to my uncle about the recent events in the first place let alone with a straight voice.
aahg! now I'm think of a the negatives to this plan and it not helping this situation much!
My emotions weren't exactly in the best condition at the moment with the best help I've had so far being when max calmed me and my anger down on the fly over to the capital but soon after that anger was gone max and his friends helped out a little it did very well but there departure let it return with an even more intense sadness and loneliness again
My first life I was raised with no parents other than my grandmother, and barley remembering my mother and father made me feel worse in my guilt and lonesomeness but I always had my grandma there to help me which I'm eternally grateful for but now I was an orphan again and with no grandma for me this time the only person who I can rely on is in this building without a note of what was about to barge into his life and the information about his family's passing would likely put a wrench into his heart.
Uggh! I can't get a single break in this new life it somehow found a away to take my parents and leave me with a distant family relative again but this time I don't even know him.
I sit down on the steps going up and look towards the sky in anger/thinking
I hate this
Staying on the steps for a while to think, things over as I eventually got up and moved towards the two big doors in anticipation,
my future in itself will rely on how Hans react to me and the sad news and I don't know how he is as a person either
I guess I can only hope I'm lucky and he's a super amazing person
Walking into the building I was immediately astonishing the hallways were nothing short of uneventful but were beautiful in design On the wall trapped my gaze and linger there
That must've been made by an excellent craftsmen
Looking around a bit more at the walls and my surroundings I didn't see anyone towards the front entrance I you'd expect but even without people roaming the halls you'd figure they'd have a bit more security but,
I suppose if I were to sit right beside a military base I wouldn't be worrying or have nothing to worry about either
hmm typical for someone who hasn't read history maybe but if it's anything like my last world I wouldn't leave anything unsupervised when it comes to the military/government buildings
I continued to walking around And the further I went down the halls the more I started noticing the amount of people growing
At first I was worried about this because why would a child be in a place like this but the people around me either didn't seem to bothered by a kid wondering in there place of work or they thought I was some guys daughter he brought to work either way my caution began to dwindle while I walked further towards the middle of the building
Eventually I see an older man with grey hair and closed looking eyes and from what I could tell from his badges he seemed important enough to recognize my uncle I continued to gain up on his and fallow his tracks as he walking into what seemed to be the the library and from the amount of books he was holding in his arms I suspect it was to return those
This is perfect! I quiet place to ask a question real quick and find my uncle
Hurrying inside I quickly speed walk over to the older man and try tapping him on the shoulder but as I went for it I realized I could only reach his shoulder blade but I still did it any cause I didn't have much patience for detours as I tapped he quickly turns around he looks around confused before looking towards the floor were I grumble, pout a little
I wish I wasn't so damn short it's embarrassing the man continues to look down for a few seconds before asking "thats quit the sneaky skill you've got there so, what is it little girl" I get a little more angry at the comment before calming down and remembering my objective "hi I was wondering if you could point me the direction to a man called Hans von Zettour" he continued to look at me confused before an amused grin took its place as if he was about to laugh like he won or something
"yes that would be me, what would you like"
He kept his amused grin in its place as I look him up and down with shocked look it took a few moments to process what he had just spilled as I put a hand to my chin to think
There's no way?! I don't think I've ever seen a picture of him but.. isn't he a little to old to be her brother I mean parents can have kids with a few separate years between them but this guy looks like he's 50 or 60 and could be my mother father cause she seemed to be in her late 20's...either way I still need to tell him no matter the situation with the age difference
"I believe you have a younger sister correct"
now he seems shock instead eyes going wide and seemed a little angry like something like that could never happen but soon wore a calming face and his shock was gone quickly as he stood with more of a looking suspicious look now
Feeling as if I won in shocking him I give him a small smile and wait for his response
"Yes I do have a younger sister is there a reason you are reminding me"
Ok! this was my chance to say the cold hard truth and get it over with before I can back out now so I take a deep intake of breath and exhale before I look him dead in the eyes and blurt it out
"I'm sorry sir but she was targeted by and enemy group and sadly past away during the event...along with her husband"
I had finally got it off my chest and now I wait for my fate to be decided and to see his reaction to this, while keeping my eyes on him I could see different emotions across his face And he was quite for a moment anger was there first he wanted revenge on his sisters killer but it calmed down before a look of understanding and regret came onto his face, he soon looked towards a nearby window and just looked out into the street for a little while as if to try and hide what he was feeling before looking back to me with a sad smile
"I suppose your her daughter then correct?,.. it's a pleasure to meet you I apologize for not being able to meet you in person sooner"
It was a simple statement but it somehow through me off I thought he would be angry or ask who the killer was at least but he was surprisingly calm and asked me that of all things
"How did you know I was her daughter"
He looked sad now I wonder if my mom and him were close when they were younger
"We talked a lot over letters after all I've been busy for the last few years which I regret now seeing as though I want able to talk to her before there passing but, she always did talk about you when we wrote to me and considering a child is here to talk to me about my sister death I figured it was you...I'm glad you made it here though"
After his heartfelt confession I felt like crying it was a moment were the mother that had "raised" me in this world had truly felt like she was gone now and how she cared about me as a true mother it felt nice to know she talked about me to he family but I was now curious as to what was said
"What did she say about me"
I wanted to hear this,
soak in what was left of my mothers love and think of my fathers kindness because after all this time I didn't realize how much I cared about them until now when they left
"She always talked about how smart and beautiful you were and how I would get along great with you as she always put it "great mind think alike" but I feel horrible for not talking to her sooner so I wasn't to help you how I can is there anything you need from me?"
I needed to think about this,
other than my obvious predicament of now home I didn't know how accommodating he was and how far he would go to help me but I didn't really have many other choices
"I think I'll be needing a new place to stay if it's okay...could I live with you?"
He gave a small smile that I could barley tell it was there as he Seemed to expect this response and immediately agreed to house me but he seemed to have something else on his mind as well
"I have only one request, that you work hard I want to see if your mothers words ring true about you and your potential and I will give you a proper education that will prepare you for anything so I won't lose you either"
While his response was a bit weird near the end considering we're he works I don't think his education can be that back and would be more informative than my last school so I nod my head in agreement
"So when do I begin?"
He seem to get a glint in his eyes it was mysterious I doubt but I didn't feel a bad intent towards me but instead a future imagination coming into play

"As soon a possible of course"

I gulped I don't know what type of education he has planned for me but I can tell it might change how things go from now on and all I can do now is hope that I can survive through it and show that strange being that brought me hear that I will become stronger and live my own life.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2022 ⏰

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