Chapter 32: Woolen

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"What?," I hear Death's voice echo out as my hand slips, dropping the papers everywhere. 

I sigh, "You're awake. Feeling better Death?"

"Don't worry about me."

My gaze averts her. I quickly pick up the papers. Shoving them together in my hands, then hitting them against the desk until they become more align. 

I grumble, " I don't, but it'd be the sun if I knew a little rest is all it took for someone as powerful as you to recover from that," I lay the papers down on the desk, "it was me who hurt you after all."

Death sat up, rolling her eyes as she responded back, "That was the desert, not you." I focused my view more distinctly on her. Although sitting up, she made no attempt to stand up, nor straighten her posture. The way her breathing seemed to heave out slightly, told me all I needed to know. 

"Death, why don't you go back to laying down, I'm going to transverse a little in the Agulha's direct study."

Death forces herself up further, "What would going their do for you?"

I waved my hand toward her, tilted down to indicate she stop moving any more. 

My words came out quicker this time, "To get more information, now don't you worry."

I could see a glower on Death's face, which soon turned flat. She lays down again, the blanket puffing up before draping back down on her form. 

"Yes Alpha, " she hums. 

I still feel uncomfortable being called that. Still not even sure if she means it or is treating it more like an affectionate nickname. Almost makes me want to give her one too, but I'd rather not see that true alpha side of her too often. I like this relaxed version of Death that she shows. The banter and the playfulness is far better than seeing her in pain. 

I give her one last look before heading out to the hall. The beads along the edge of the ceiling out here are already starting to glow. A soft pale orange and a sharper ivory sine that made the walkway all the more visible, but not so much so that it could provide any warmth to the skin. 

In fact it made the stone surrounding seem even more distant and foreign. Almost like walking in a dream. A cold wind stung at my skin. My head dropped back as I began the short walk. Above me I could see the sun fading away, as the clear slightly smoky ceiling revealed. all. Providing only just minimal protection from the elements. Keeping the palace safe from storms and the like, but not from the chill that came with it or came with the vast night.

It reminded me that I had basically eaten nothing this whole time. I'm starving. Realizing it made the hunger come on only worse. I dropped my head back down. A human was walking near by with a blindingly strong aura. Dark shades of hatred with the nearly unseeable shade of fear. Only in view because of the hatred overlapping it. 

Normally invisible like attraction, but this definitely wasn't attraction. The stiffness in the way he walked gave that away. I could smell the scent of animal fat and chili as it filled the hallway with his presence. 

I couldn't help the snarl which emanated from my lips. Yet as soon as I did a ripping pain hit my chest, and the pull took over. Forcing me to the floor like a discarded doll. 

"You good?," he stuttered. His hand holding my arm, keeping my head from crashing against the floor. Eyes like partially burnt wood flickered at me ever so delicate, behind oversized gold rimmed glasses. 

These same eyes looked me over as his lip quivered. I steadied myself. His grip became lighter. His smooth skin reflected soft against the lights around us making me feel even more out of it. Wishing the night was here instead, to comfort me. 

I've never had the pull affect me like that, except around the Alpha King once when I tried to punch him during my troubled teen years. 

Was it the human? His face tinted a very faint hint of maroon. 

He whispered, suddenly gripping me tighter to pull me up. 

"Sorry, this is my first time seeing an omega werewolf."

I growled at him, just to test, but surprisingly nothing happened except for a light tug at my chest. Which no longer hurt at all. A more common reaction around a human, but normally not so gentle. 

Sweat started to bead up on the side of his face, but he didn't let go. Now both of us standing, I craned my neck up to look at him. 

At least three hands taller than me, with wide muscles and thin skin that showed the more prominent veins. His loose tunic made it that much more visible. 

Wait, the tunic color, he's an Agulha. Perfect. 

I blurt out, "What's your name?" He finally lets go. 

"Agulha Teival." I take a step back, "That name is not common here." He sighs agreeing, "No it is not, I'm not from Mocamedis."

"Where are you from?" I question. 

"Earth," he whispers in that soft voice once more. Yet with a hint of sharpness as he said the "r" sound.  

I stop wasting my time over analyzing him and pivot back in the direction of the Agulhas' direct study. My shoes clanking loudly for a step or two to make sure he knows I'm walking. 

Like I predicted, he followed. 

"Is Devaleon really as hot as they say?," he asks. I guess he's not done examining me. 

"Hotter." I answer. He gasps. We walking together, reaching the door in no time, which he rushes to try and open ahead of me. While he opens it, I use my foot to kick it open further- trying to save time. As a human he is rather slow. 

"Sorry." He whispers. Giving me a short, uncomfortably flirtatious smile. I ignore it, he obviously hasn't met any werewolf before me. Omega or not. 

"What rank are you Teival?," he wasn't wearing his beads. "Sixteen," he answers. 

Sixteen?! That'd take years, enough that he would have been in Mocamedis even back then when I stayed here. How could we have not met?

"So you are senior rank?" I pry further. 

Without missing a moment he laughs the Kishi welcoming laugh. 

"Miss Yeona, I am the lead Agulha."


I let the thoughts simmer as I take in this information. Then drop another question. 

"How come you've never seen a werewolf then?"

He looks away, his hand now touching the back of his short hair. His voice suddenly deeper, giving an echo to the hallway. 


We step inside. I take in a strong whiff of the smell of plant and stone. Grabbing his hand, causing him to tremble once more. I grip with some pressure, very subtly partially shifting so that my pointer finger is in wolf paw form for just a moment. A moment we both notice. Telling myself it's just a friendly touch, to quell the pull. 

I will use this to my advantage then. 

"Teival, bring me a bowl of stew. Now."

He shudders, slipping his hand out of mine fast. 

"Sure Miss."

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