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A couple weeks later

Bella and I haven't talked since she found out about everything. She went back to sitting alone at lunch and doesn't talk to anyone in general. Apparently, she and Jacob haven't seen much of each other either. He's been busy with rounds, and I barely even see him.

Apparently there's this vampire that's been after Bella, so she's been hunting around here. Even the thought of that sends shivers down my spine. But, I feel like I'm one of the safest people in town, I'm an imprint after all. The pack will do anything possible to protect me. Though this makes me feel better, I still miss Jacob.

I mostly see him at night. I leave my window open for him to sneak into and he cuddles me until I fall asleep, then he leaves for his patrol. Emily must feel the same way, she's asked me to come over a lot more than usual lately.

We usually watch chick flicks while I do homework, we bake, or do each other's makeup. Well- she does mine. She doesn't like makeup. But I still have fun with her. She's the closest friend I've ever had.

I've always had trouble making friends. I was always too awkward, or I wouldn't know the latest trends. I wasn't athletic and so I couldn't make friends through sports. I've just always been alone, other than my mom. But now, I have Jacob, Emily, and the Pack and I couldn't be more grateful.

Today, Emily and I decided to just walk around La Push, talking about whatever comes to mind. "No way, Freddie Prinze Jr. is NOT hotter than Paul Rudd." I argued. "Have you seen him in She's All That?! He's so hot" Emily persisted. "Still not hotter than Paul Rudd. I mean, have you seen the man?" I countered.

She was about to keep going when I noticed something out of my peripheral vision, "Wait, Emily, is that Bella??" I asked, pointing to the cliff not too far from where we were standing. "Yeah, I think so." she responded in a confused tone. "I think she's gonna jump!" I gasped.

And she did. I didn't know what to do, so I looked to Emily, but she looked just as shocked as I was. I turned back to the cliff to see Jacob jumping in after her. I breathed a sigh of relief, I knew Jacob could swim in these waters. I was still nervous for Bella though, she could still drown.

As if able to sense my fear, Emily took my hand in hers and rubbed it comfortingly. I gave her a small smile of thanks. Jake pulled Bella out of the water not long after and started performing CPR, Emily and I running to help in any way. I held my breath, waiting for something to happen when Bella coughed up the water in her lungs. I breathed a huge sigh of relief and collapsed down, pulling Bella into a hug.

We may not be close, but we're still friends, and Jake's best friend. I don't know what I would do if I lost her. "Y/N? Jake?" Bella asked. "Bella, what were you thinking? You could have died!" I exclaimed, pulling away from her but still holding her up. "I had to- to see something." she stuttered out.

"Get her home, I'm gonna go help out at Harry's place!" I heard Sam yell, Emily following quickly behind them. "You get Bella home, I'm gonna see what's going on. Call me when you get home." I stated to Jacob before hugging Bella, giving him a kiss on the cheek, and running after Emily.

Harry Clearwater had a heart attack and passed away. Leah stood outside of her house in shock, and I could hear Sue's weeping from outside. I didn't know what to do, so I put a hand gently on Leah's arm, if only to show that I was there. She looked at me with tears in her eyes before pulling me into a strong hug and sobbing.

I immediately hugged her back, stroking her hair, not saying anything. I didn't know what to say. I hadn't lost a parent. I couldn't possibly understand what they were going through. So I just stood there and stroked her hair until her loud sobs turned into quiet sniffling. She pulled back and so did I. She nodded at me and walked into her house. I sighed, wishing I could do more to help.

I got into my car and drove home, thinking about the Clearwaters the whole way. As I walked into my door, I heard the phone ring. I jogged to get it, "Hello?" I answered. "Y/N?" Jacob asked on the other line, voice hoarse.

"Jake? What's wrong?" I pressed, concerned.

"Bella went to Italy, with Alice. She's putting her life in danger for Edward." he answered.

All of the information he gave me ran through my head before I processed what happened. "I'm coming over." I stated, ending the phone call before he answered.

I drove to Jacob's as quickly as I could. Billy wasn't there, most likely still at the Clearwater's. I entered, not even bothering to knock. In the living room was Jacob, sitting on the couch, head in his hands. "Jake." I muttered before rushing to his side.

I sat next to him and put an arm around his shoulder. He leaned into me, hugging me tightly, as if I would disappear if he didn't. I held him and played with his hair, trying to calm him down. We stayed that way for a while, until we moved so he was laying on me, head on my stomach, my back against the couch. I kept playing with his hair, more to comfort me now.

He told me about the Volturi, and what they do to people who know about them. I was worried about Bella. What if they kill her? Who would tell Charlie? Would he think Bella just disappeared and spend his whole life looking for her?

These thoughts raced through my head as I fell asleep.

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