Bad Surprise

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I had so much fun with my mom. We went to the movies and saw some random comedy, then went back to Forks and had lunch at the diner.

We ended our outing with ice cream and then a trip to the park. I was excited to get home and set up for my party. The sound of it was still weird to me. My party, where I invited my friends. I actually had friends. A smile grew on my face on the short drive home.

I couldn't believe how much I had grown since we moved to Forks. I had friends, close friends. I've been to bonfires and parties. I've had sleepovers. I had fallen in love, and had my heart broken.

While I was reminiscing on all of my new experiences, we pulled into the driveway when I saw a familiar car parked in front of the house.

As I stood to get out of the car, I saw the two people I never thought I'd see getting out of the parked car. Two people who hurt me far greater than anything that Jacob or Bella did. My father and his... whatever she is.

He walked towards me hand in hand with Mom's ex-best friend, Megan. I looked over at my mom, who was just as shocked as I was, probably more so.

They had stopped right in front of me, my father smiling and Megan looking at me nervously. I just stood there in shock. "Hello, Y/N. Happy birthday," he said. Hearing his voice infuriated me enough to make me speak.

"What the fuck are you doing here?!" I yelled. He looked shocked, and Megan became flustered. "I told you it was a bad idea, we should just leave," she urged my father, tugging on his sleeve. "No, I'm here to see my daughter on her birthday and I will not tolerate her disrespecting me when I took the time to come and see her!" he exclaimed.

"No, you should listen to Megan." I spat, "You have no right to be here!" This seemed to anger him even further. "I have every right to be here! I am your father, whether you like it or not." he argued.

"Some father you are! I don't even KNOW you." I shoved my finger into his chest. "You never took the time to know me and you never will! Because guess what?! You chose work over me EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. You chose some common whore over your FAMILY."

I saw his arm crank back for a slap and braced for an impact that never came. "I think it's time you go." I opened my eyes to see Alice holding my fathers arm above his head.

"And who the hell are you?" he questioned. "A friend of Y/N's. And someone you don't want to mess with." she replied, sickly sweet. He tried to rip his arm out of her grasp and failed. She smiled and let go. "I suggest you leave before I call the police." she threatened.

Without another word, he and Megan waltzed off to their car and sped off. I let out a sigh of relief and put my head in my hands.

"Are you okay?" Alice asked, concerned. I looked up at her, trying to hold in my tears. I broke down and let out a sob, Alice pulling me into a hug. By that time my mom joined Alice in comforting me. The whole thing happened so fast she barely had any time to react. The two of them rushed me inside to calm me down.

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