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3 students were waiting patiently in one of the college's living rooms, expecting news from their teacher of (Y/n)'s state.

Shoko and Suguru were quickly filled in on the situation by Gojo.

to find out their beloved friend basically became a father within 12 hours, it shocked and worried them.

1, a child was a great responsibility, let alone a child who was potentially dangerous.

2, Gojo was a child himself. he cannot be raising a child whilst raising his own childish ass.

it was trouble in all ways possible.

"are you sure you can raise her? you're still a student you know... plus you have zero clue on how to be a parent or have the skills of parenting."

"relax Shoko, i can manage. Yaga-sensei will also be monitoring her and helping out. plus, I have you guys here as well~"

"monitoring and raising are two different things. her future self will be the outcome of you own actions and parenting," Suguru distressed.

"it's just a kid, how hard can it be?" Gojo shrugged.

the other 2 classmates worriedly glanced at 1 another.

he's not serious is he?

finally, the trio were notified to head to the infirmary where the younger Gojo was being kept in.


there she was, curled up in a fetal position under the covers.

her arms were wrapped in bandages, her wrist was hooked to an IV tube, and her body looked slightly mangled. she seemed a lot more tired than she was before.

"this is her? and she's five? she doesn't look like it, so tiny."

Shoko whispered those last few words, proceeding to stroke the child's cheek then her head.

poor girl

Yaga looked at Gojo, "the doctor mended her wounds. she's lost a lot of blood and is incredibly malnourished. right now we just got to make sure she stays on a healthy track. her cursed energy can wait until then."

"do you know when she'll wake up?"

Suguru peered down at the young girl with Shoko as Gojo continued his conversation with Yaga.

he took a moment to admire her white hair, bright and clean just like Gojo's. she resembled him slightly. long eyelashes, white hair, most likely had blue eyes, it was all there.

he wouldn't be surprised if she ended up looking like the female version of him. a part of him did pray though that she wouldn't take on his childish personality.

the black-haired sorcerer decided to check her forehead for a potential fever, but before he could completely rest the back of his hand, her eyes shot open.

indeed did she have bright blue eyes, but instead of an innocent pair, it was coated in dread and fear.

she jolted out of her sleeping position, slamming her back against the wall, letting out a grunt.

her sudden movement alerted everyone in the room, causing them to take a step back. she wasn't suppose to be awake just yet. in fact, she shouldn't have been awake for another month or so.

she sat there in silence, shaking slightly as her eye continued to hold on to the fear she awoke with.

the figures that would have been identified as Gojo, Shoko, Suguru, and Yaga were mere black silhouettes in her eyes. she couldn't make out their faces nor hear anything they may have possibly spoke.

she was simply broken with a confliction to see the light and true beauty of people. everyone was just a black, ominous figure.

"are you okay?" Shoko asked, but there was no response.

"what's your name?" Suguru continued, still no response.

"is she mute? maybe we should-"

Shoko took a step forward, causing the young girl to tense up.

"Shoko, you should take a step back. she-"

before Suguru could continue, Gojo stepped foward and sat on the bed in 1 swift movement. this threw off the girl even more as she not only tried to push herself even further into the wall, but shifted to the corner of the bed that met the corner of the room.

"Gojo, step back you're frightening her."

the young sorcerer didn't listen to his superior as he scooted closer to his younger relative.

he reached out a hand that aimed for the top of her head.

to her, the black figure before the girl was just getting closer and closer by the second in slow motion, reaching at her for whatever reason.

she was terrified.

before she knew it, a firm pressure was made on her head. it moved side to side softly, messing up her hair.

she didn't know what to make of it. she didn't know how to react. she sat there silently, taking in the weird gesture happening on the top of her head.

"you may not be able to hear me (Y/n), but i'm your uncle, Gojo Satoru. you don't have to be afraid anymore, i'm here to protect you. you have new family here who will love you and take care of you. you're safe here, safe here with us."

he smiled down at the girl who looked past him as if he wasn't there. but he could see it in her eyes, she wasn't as scared as she was before. she looked a little better


it's warm


"emotions are bruises left behind. someday they'll dissappear and no longer exist."

- anon

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