He came back, they arrived

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Y/n: "God damn I'm tired I can't wait to just finally relax at home. No... wait I got a couple coding jobs, tch guess relaxing will have to wait."

You walk through an evening suburban neighbourhood in some dirty casual clothes coming back from a warehouse job, just moving stuff.

It's cold so your wearing a hoodie (or jacket) with the hood up, hands in pockets.

Y/n: "Maybe I would be able to relax if he kept on working, what's it been... six months since he started planning, then without warning he left a week ago... that son of a bitch I swear I'm gonna kill him when he gets back. Ha no I'm just make sure he pays rent even if it takes some physical trauma to do so." Your fists clenched in your pockets.

You turn the corner and see a massive house in the distance, the house you pay for with five jobs, the one you share with your best friend, who's like a brother to you, who also hasn't payed rent for six months including all the other bills.

As you get to the door, you hear cluttering inside with powerful auras, you instantly go serious, you put the key in the door and walk into the house and find your said best friend, eleven sharply dressed demons and an angel climbing out a portal.

Y/n: "Mother fucker..." You say.

Instantly the black skinned demon looks at you.

???: "INTRUDER!"

Instantly chains start shooting at you out of nowhere.

You jump out the way and start sliding and dodging, as chains, fireballs, knifes, fling themselves into the walls.

You almost get smashed in by a war-hammer, then two of the other demons start punching, then three others try to pounce on you.

Quickly, the buff tall man in a white suit gets in front of you.

Best friend: "STOP!" Everyone stops.

Heavily breathing, you look around, the room is destroyed.

Best friend: "There's been a bit of misunderstanding, this was the roommate I was talking about."

The demons that attacked you collectively say:


You stand up and look around.

Y/n: "And the house is destroyed... again... FAAAAACK!"

You speed walk off into the kitchen. Your eyes burning red, you need your medicine before you go ape-shit.

Opening up a draw of syringes, all containing a red liquid. You quickly grab one and inject it into your neck.

The red eyes turning back to e/c.

You slowly breathe and feel a hand on your shoulder.

Best friend: "Hey, you good?"

Y/n: You move away to face him. "You kidding I almost went berserk. [Sigh] alright explain."

Best friend: "We'll explain." He sidesteps out the way to reveal Lucifer.

Y/n: "Ho-ly shit."

Lucifer: "Hmm? Your a demon."

It's true you had teeth as sharp as knives, silvery white hair, two small horns and an arrow tipped tail, all to prove it.

Y/n: "I a-am." You stutter.

Lucifer: "How did you escape Hell, because depending on your answer I'm going to have to send you back." Pressure starts crushing you, looking at her feels like staring up at a giant.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2022 ⏰

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