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I and f4 all agreed that we would talk later because we were all late for class. Kavin and Mj were in the same class while I thyme and ren shared the same class. As for me ren and thyme were walking both boys were clinging onto my arms hugging it to the point I couldn't move them they were asking questions about me or how it was like in America after a while thyme finally let go but ren just kept clinging onto my arms when we arrived in the classroom gorya was shocked to see Ren smiling it looked like his smile was pure her heart broke seeing her crush cling onto another girl but again she was happy that he looks genuinely happy.

Teacher: Goodmorning class please settle down.

Class: Goodmorning miss.

Teacher: So we have a new student miss Paramaanantra please stand and introduce yourself.

Thea: Goodmorning everyone my name is Thea Victoria Helena Aurelia Paramaanantra.

Teacher: Ok Thea your mother has arranged a seating area meant for you so in this class you're going to have two seatmates so you can sit in the middle of phupa and Ren.

Thea: Ren was seta mates!

Ren: I'm happy about that. He said putting his arm around thea.

Phupa: Don't touch my girlfriend! He said slapping Ren's arm away and replacing it with his.

Thea: Excuse me can you not touch me?

Ren: Leave her alone she never agreed.

Thea: Right now miss I need to change my clothes are quite dirty with germs I hate germs. She said as she stood up and walked to the bathroom.

Ren: stay away from her.

Phupa: And why?

Ren: You expect her to be your girlfriend I don't think you can even support a quarter of her lifestyle.

Phupa: She doesn't care about those things.

Ren: Your funny her whole closet is designer even her notebooks.

Phupa: Well I can change her.

Ren: don't try she won't budge.

Phupa: Well see about that.

Ren: We're going shopping later if you come then you'll see.

Thea changed into this outfit

After she went back to class phupa spoke to her

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After she went back to class phupa spoke to her.

Phupa: Hey beautiful.

Thea: Leave me alone.

Phupa: playing hard to get?

Thea: I'm playing no.

Ren: would you like to draw with me?
He said handing her a pencil.

Thea: Oh yes that reminds me I got you some things I left the others at home but I brought this one.

Ren: Let me see!

As Thea hands him a Prada paper bag he opens it to find a sketchpad covered in diamonds and a pen.

Ren: It's beautiful!

Thea: You better take care of that it's a custom made Prada sketchbook and pen with real diamonds on them.

Ren: Shall we draw on it?

Thea: I would love to.

As they were drawing on the sketchpad Phupa and Gorya just look at them jealously.

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