Chapter 1- Meeting

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"Hey!" Angelique speed walks as she was near to her meeting place. "Its been so long!" She ran faster and jumped onto Jasmine and Emily, who were already at the meeting spot outside a cafe.

Angelique was wearing a spaghetti strap black croptop with gray sweater and a cropped gray jacket.

"Oof- ha ha, ok, ok it's nice to see you too" Jasmine said as she was suprised by Angelique and she hugged backed. Jasmine was wearing a brown sweater vest over a button shirt with tan wide pants

"Angelique, you're killing me!" Emily expressed as she was hugged tightly by Angelique, squirming to be let go. Emily was wearing a oversize crop top with black skirts

"Oops, sorry too excited." Angelique loosened the hug and Emily broke away.

"Pow-" emily took a breathe and smiled again "Its nice to see you again too, the others are running late" as she looked at her phone letting it a sigh.

Just in time, Alice and Tina was seen walking together towards the Group. "Sorry y'all, Alice was to engrossed in studying again, I had to go fetch her" Tina shouted as she and Alice got closer.

Tina was wearing a black button up shirt with a plaited skirt with a tan coat on her shoulders, while Alice was wearing a red hoodie and black leggings.

"Haha.... I lost track of time... ugh my head hurts" Alice got to the group and sat down in a chair, rubbing her temples.

"That's what you get for not resting" Tina gently slapped the back of Alice's head.

"What the hell Tina!" Alice rubbed the back of her head in misery.

"Ha ha sorry sorry, what you want to drink? Ice americano? Latte? Or Tea?" Tina asked Alice while patting her head.

"Iced tea would be fine", Alice said and Tina wrote it down, "What about everyone else?" Tina asked.

"Ice americano"

"Caramel latte"

"Dragon fruit tea"

Tina noted as she started making her way inside the cafe to order.

"She will and always be our sugar mama" Angelique snickered as the other also took a laugh.

"Its been so long and Tina is still the same" Jasmine laughed.

"Take a sit, I don't leave me to be the only one sitting" Alice said with a pout.

Everyone took a sit around the circular table until an umbrella.

"Sooooo, hows everyone been? It's been ages!" Angelique excitedly wanting to know.

"I have been doing doing great. I found a major I like now after 2 years" Jasmine said

"What major is it?" Alice asked with question marks

"Culinary" Jasmine said with a smile.

"OMG Why dont you be my wife bruh, I'll bring the Certificate and everything!" Angelique jokingly said

Everyone laughed

"Ehh, why's everyone having fun without me?" Tina shouted from distance as she retrieved the drinks and walking towards the group.

"What are y'all talking about, let me in on it too." Tina placed the drinks down and distributed the drinks to the right owner.

"We were just talking about how we've been and Jasmine here said she is in culinary now." Emily said as she recieved her iced americano.

"Ooh, Jasmine can a total wife material now" Tina laughed as she sat down.

"YEA, MY WIFE" Angelique shouted with pride that made everyone laugh.

"How about you Tina?" Angelique nudged Tina.

"Well, I'm majoring in Biology still and minoring in Psychology." *sigh* Tina leaned back "So much work as a stem student, but I understand somehow" Tina crossed her arms as she smiled,"Not much here, same old same old, how about you?"

"What! that's still awesome!" Angelique proclaimed, "Ah! I'm in human services major, gotta help the people you know" Angelique leaned in and spoke.

"Emily and Alice, what about you guy?" Everyone  faced them and waited with sparkling eyes.

"Well, I'm in criminology now, it's tough having to learn so many classes!" Emily expressed as she remembered with a headache.

"But I like it, it's interesting, especially learning to identifying but the worst is coding."  Emily exhausted and smiled

"I'm in Computer science major, me and Tina bump into each other sometimes going to class" Alice leaned forward and put her head on her hand and smiled.

"Bro, Emily can be our detective if we are murdered, FIND OUR KILLER EMILY! Jasmine jokingly said

"OOH Alice will be our hacker ha ha" Tina, nudged Alice

" Yeah yeah, I'll hide that indecent search history of yours" Alice fired back

"Hey hey, they aren't indecent, you read them too." Tina laughed,"Your closeted BL Stash can't hide for long, I mean you share with me too" Tina put her arm around Alice and pointed her on the cheek.

Alice of course slaps her away, "quit it!"

"Ok ok angry chihuahua~"  Tina retreated and took a sip of her drink.

"Everyone been busy, we have a long day a head of us" Jasmine said as she stirred her drink.

"You know what we need!" Tina stood up, "Shopping! Come on we can't sit here all day, we are at the mall for a reason!" Tina punched the air as everyone started standing up as well.

3 hours later-

"Tina, are you.... able to carry all that?" Emily said as Tina has bags on bags of clothing.

"Yeah, yeah I got this!..." As some bags started falling, "maybe not...."

*sigh* "You should control your habits" As Jasmine took some of bags from Tina's hands.

"Hehe.. I abstained for a long time!" Tina retorted, "I also got all of us match hoodies~~" Tina said as she showed the bags that held the hoodies.

"What are we power rangers? What color coordination is this?" Alice said as she saw that each hoodie was a different color.

"How rude, we were gonna be the rainbow not power rangers." Tina crossed her hands.

"The day wasted away so fast..." Angelique was sadden as the sun was slowly setting.

The others took in the experience from today, they also felt the sadness of having to separate once more.

"Well.... just because we only meet one day, it doesn't mean it will be the only time we meet." Tina reassured everyone from the damped mood.

"Let's all have one big hug!" Angelique encouraged everyone.

Everyone huddled together, "Until we meet again! Stays strong!" Everyone said.

A sudden bright light beamed underneath the group of girls.

"Um... w-what's this?!" as everyone separated, they see a blue magic circle underneath all of them.

"Ahhhh!" Everyone screamed as they fell suddenly left like falling out of nowhere.

"Oof.... ugh... my butt" Angelique whined as she fell on flat stone surface.

Everyone also groaned from the fall.

"Welcome HEROS!" Some old man's voices echoed.

"What the hell....." The girls all groaned.

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