Chapter 2- Unknown surrounds

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"Welcome HEROS!" A voice of an old man suddenly becomes louder as he approaches us.

"We are glad to welcome you into our kingdom, warriors." The same voice seemed to be from the man in that blue cloak.

"W-what the hell" All of us said as we started getting on our feet.

The surrounds seemed to be not well lit, most likely underground. The only light lit the room was some torches and also a fountain connected to the wall with a lion head.

As for where the girls were standing on, there were circles and symbols engraved into the stone below them.

"W-where are we?.." Jasmine questioned as she surveyed her surrounding.

Whispers can be heard all around the circle, people in metal armor seemed to line the near by wall.

The more the area was unknown to the girls, the more scared everyone was.

"A-are we kipnapped?.." Angelique trembled as she was in fear.

The other girls also voiced concern as the old man in the cloak got closer.

"Everyone get behind me now!" Tina said as she was now on defense.

The girls felt alerted with Tina's comment, but still did as they were told.

"I have successfully brought you heroes of another world to ask for your help." The old man expressed some cockiness and enthusiasm as he got closer.

"Welcome to the Kingdom of Dyastia. We are in grave need of your help!" The old man raised his voice.

"What is this maniac cult looking dude saying?" Emily whispered to the other girls.

"I dont know but it seems we wont be leaving anytime soon....also what the hell, how are we heros????" Alice said as she took in the situation further.

"Girls, focuse" Tina reprimanded them a little.

Tina turned her attention back to the old man.

"What business do you need with us? It seems the situation is very unsettling to say the least", Tina asked the old man in a hostile sense, not wanting to budge.

"The king will speak with you about that, please follow me" The old man said as he turned around to make way to the door.

"Tsk, no small talk ha?" Tina whispered under her tongue.

"And what if we dont want to go?" Tina raised her voice to let the old man hear her.

"Oh? Not want to go?" The old man seems to levitate now and in 2 seconds was back in the same place in from of the girls.

"The king says he want to meet you so you go, if not I'll have to use my magic on you" The old man pressured the girls as he got closer.

Tina can feel all the girls trembling from behind her, feeling a bit helpless. She could not do much but agree to have them follow the old man.

"Girls, no matter what.  Always stay together, ok?" Tina had a bad feeling that wouldnt wash away. She could only warn and worry for the others.

As they made there way to the door, people in armor surrounded them in the back, but also had to keep a distance.

"Shit- they have us surrounded too." Emily whispered in alert as she saw the situation isn't as pleasing.

"T-they aren't gonna hurt us right?" Angelique fearfully whispered

"Not on my watch" Tina whispered to the group to reassure them at least a bit while she figures out what these people want with them.

Tina reached in her purse and held her small knife just in case things get out of hand, and hid it on her tan coat.

As they walked, the atmosphere was silent yet tense. All they can see was the back of the old man and the long hallway that leads to somewhere.

The halls were filled with green wallpaper and gold was present on every vase, table and even paintings on the walls.

The rug underneath was a shade of red brown that stretched long into the distance.

"Gosh how long are we walking for?" Alice huffled in sweat as she was not every athlete to be able to walk constantly for 20 minutes.

"And here we are!" The old man reached for the door to there left, it was quite tall in nature and was of a brown with gold bordering the door.

The old man used magic to open the door.

"The king will speak with you now" He said as the doors open wide.

Hesitantly the girls stepped in, surveying the surrounds once more.

It seemed to be filled with knights, and people dressed in formal outfits, especially big dresses of many colors.

The loud sound of clapping abruptly stained the silence.

One wave from above silenced them once more as the girls walked closer inside.

The attention soon was directed the person on the throne, in mostly gold but black attire with a gold crown.

"Welcome Heros of Another World"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2022 ⏰

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