[Foxydafox joined the chatroom]
[chicadachicken joined the ChatRoom]
[bubbles joined the chatroom]Bubbles: hi :)
Chicadachicken: WHO ARE YOU
Foxydafox: She's bubbles
Chicathechicken: IM GETTING FREDDY
Bubble: wait..... Please!
foxydafox: just wait.....
[Freddy joined the chat room]
Freddy: WHERE IS SHE!!!
Chicadachicken: she was right here!!!!!
Freddy: can foxy prove that
FoxydAfox:..... (No comment)
Freddy: aright, I'll stay on this chatRoom and if she comes back then...
[bubbles disconnected]
Chicadachicken: HES RIGHT THERE!!!!
Foxydafox: SHES A GIRL!!!
Chicadachicken: HOW WOULD YOU KNOW
Foxydafox: [foxydafox deleted this text]
Chicadachicken: wat
Foxydafox: you saw nothing
Chicadachicken: YA, I did, I saw you said you kissed her
Foxydafox: NOTHING
[foxythefox disconnected]
Freddy: who is SHE
Chicadachicken: I have no idea
Freddy: well let's go find out....also why she kissed foxy!
Chicadachicken: aright then
[chicadachicken disconnected]
[Freddy disconnected]