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            I could feel Natasha's eyes on me as I held the egg, but I couldn't drag my eyes away from it. I sat down, and softly let the egg rest on the dark purple carpet. I watched the thin cracks over the surface of the grey and purple egg get longer and thicker until I heard a soft cracking noise. I watched as the newly hatched dragonet popped its head out of the egg, looking around with curious eyes. 

                   It was cautious as it climbed out of the egg and looked up at me. As I studied the dragonet's  appearance, I noticed that its scales were a two-tone purple, while its eyes and claws were the same grey from the egg. 

            Nat cleared her throat, snapping me out of my trance. I reached my hand out, and watched as the dragon pushed its nuzzle against the palm of my hand. The instant skin connected to scale,  i fell backwards. My wrist felt as if it was on fire. The paid subsided after a moment or so, and I turned to the doorway only to see that Natasha had left. 

            'She probably left when she saw the dragonet'  I thought to myself. I looked at my wrist to find that there was a glowing purple mark. The mark started on my wrist but spilled over to my palm, with a gem like shape where the dragonet had touched me. It was at that moment that i realized I had bonded to the dragonet. I heard a soft, childlike female voice fill my head 'H-hello?'

           I jumped at the sound. "Hello?! Who's there!!" I shouted into what I thought was an empty room. It wouldn't be good for the dragonet if there was someone watching us. The reasons dragons had almost gone extinct was because hunters had discovered that dragon scales were better armor than the strongest human metals. Their claws and teeth were also used on swords spears and whips. A more recent discovery was that dragonet scales could be even stronger, making dragonets even more valuable. 

        'Look down idiot' was my only response. Looking down I realized it was the dragonet. "Wha- That was you?" I asked, confused that the little dragon could me so sassy even though she had just hatched. 'Yes, that was me.'  she said, flicking her tail                                                                                  "I- you can talk? Wha- hEH? I am so flipping confused-" I said, causing the young dragon to giggle.  'Well I've been in an egg for about fifty years,'  "FIFTY YEARS!?" I half shouted. 'Well- more or less. What is your name' she asked, doing a terrible job of covering up her laughter, her tail flipping around wildly. "I- Zara, whats yours?" I responded, slightly annoyed that the dragonet was laughing at me. 'That, is up to you,'  she responded  

      "Oh. Uh well, Amethyst- does that work?" I asked 'What kind of name is amethyst?' The female dragonet snapped back. "Ayo, name yourself then!" I retorted 'Fine fine. Just not Amethyst' she said "You are difficult. FIne. Uhm-" I stood there for a hot minute, racking my brain for any name that could fit her sarcastic personality. 


'No,' she said, looking up from her claws

"Dola? I asked



'Where are you even getting these names!?'

"Calista?" I asked, trying the name to see if the young dragon would retort yet again

To my surprise, she didn't.

"You actually like that one?

'Well- yes,' she admitted, her tail flipping back and forth enthusiastically

"Well then Calista, care to leave this dusty old room?" I asked, motioning to the walls lined with bookshelves. 'Please,' she agreed, and climbed up from the floor and onto the table. I picked up the small dragon and walked her back down the stairs to the training grounds where I found Natasha.  "Ayo Nat!" I shouted down the last couple of steps. She jumped, not knowing that I was behind her "Jeez Zara, you almost game be a heart attac-" stopping when she saw the baby dragon in my arms. "Oh my- The egg hatched?" She said, excitement laced in her voice. "Well yeah- why? I asked in return, wondering why that was such a big deal before remembering that Calista had been in an egg for around 50 years. "Ohh. Yeah," I said feeling like an idot. 

"That aside, there are a few people I'd like you to meet," She said, stepping aside to reveal 6 individuals.

A/n Yup a cliffhanger. even though nobodys reading this xD. i hope you enjoy the book so far! If you have any suggestions please feel free to message or comment here! I have no clue where Im going with this so yeah!   ANyWAY. drink waterr, its good for ya.  byee

(edit: 795 words. pog)

(p.s. i gave up on the fancy thing at the end)


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