white camellias |two|

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She's tired.

Why wouldn't she be?

It takes a lot of work to cook without modern conveniences.

What I wouldn't give for an electric cooking appliance... she sighs with a shake of her head.

Sayuri smiles as she peels another yam. After, she'll steam them, then glaze them with honey so that she and Michikatsu can enjoy them together when he returns. Sayuri gathers the yams into a basket, then turns her attention to a metal pot. The rice is coming along nicely but she can't afford to leave it alone too long. There are no rice cookers here to prepare the rice for her, and she's determined not to overcook it! Cooking rice was serious business, after all.

She never wanted to get married in this life, but maybe - and just maybe - it wouldn't be so bad.

Her husband was... kind.

He was respectful.

He treated her like an equal in a way that's almost unheard of in this era.


She hisses in pain as the rim of the metal pot brushes against her forearm, leaving an angry red imprint behind. There are no running taps with cold water or cold compresses in this time period for her to use.

I'm so stupid! She groans even as her arm continues to burn. Why did I have to be so clumsy?

Sayuri clutches her arm tightly, pressing it against her chest. This will probably leave a permanent scar. An ugly mark which mars otherwise flawless skin.

At least I can cover it with long sleeves, she thinks brightly. It wouldn't be hard to hide. But even still...

"I can't believe I did that!" She curses, mentally kicking herself. "Idiot!"


She sets the table, fretting over every detail.

It's silly, and she knows it, but part of her wants everything to be perfect.

I'm a fool, she thinks with a loopy smile. But maybe that's okay.

(Isn't this a part of love?)

She prepares some tea and sits down, waiting.

Her husband will be home soon.

She waits.


The tea has gone cold.

She reheats the tea.


She waits.


And waits.


It's probably a misunderstanding. She tries to convince herself. He's busy with important work.

It still stings, though.

He'll be here tomorrow.


She prepares dinner all over again.

She waits.

He never comes.


She sleeps alone.


Sayuri is furious.

She will get an explanation or she will leave.

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