Brooklyn Guy and Simmons' Conversation #1

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Brooklyn Guy and Simmons were on duty as cops, but then Simmons had an idea.

Simmons: Hey Guy!

Brooklyn Guy: What is it, Simmons?

Simmons: Have you ever heard the Strongbottom Royalty Family from France?

Brooklyn Guy: Yeah, why?

Simmons: This family has been passed down in many generations since they were founded back at the medieval times!

Brooklyn Guy: Wow! I can't believe they're still alive after thousands of years!

Simmons: Yeah! Oh also did you know that the current king had two daughters?

Brooklyn Guy: Well, this is the question I've never seen before. What's their names?

Simmons: Stacy and Sofia. Sofia is the oldest sister while Stacy is the youngest. Even since their mother's passing, they didn't get along well and often argues a lot.

Brooklyn Guy: Jeez, but are there more children other than these two?

Simmons: There's a rumor that King Strongbottom had a son. But however no one knows if this is true or not since they don't know how Prince Strongbottom looks like because his dad never revealed him to the public. Some say he's somewhere around the world, disguising as a regular pedestrian. And some say that he doesn't exist.

Brooklyn Guy: So the king actually has a son? Never know before, but hopefully one day, we'll find him and prove that rumor is true!

Simmons: Yeah!

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