Chapter 17 - A year with the Ice Princess

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"Uhm..." I kept discussing with myself, considering the consequences. Tanner knew, that I didn't wore any bracelet today, so I couldn't lie about that. I secretly began to chew my hair nervously.

"Please be honest to me, D. I won't be mad". He figured out, that something was wrong.

"He gave it to me", I said quickly. I regret it with the same, when I said it. He sat silence, looking straight at the road. I carefully looked through the corner of my eye at him. I carefully studied his face expression. He didn't seem angry or sad. Suddenly, he sighed and planted a little smile on his lips.

"The truth", he mumbled. My hands began to get sweaty and I felt extremely guilty.

"Are you mad?" I blurbed out, not caring if I was impolite.

"Mad? No", he answered simply. We sat in awkward silence. The only sound was the radio playing the last chords of "I'm finally me".

He suddenly stopped the car brat, which made me slung up in the seatbelt.

He broke the silence.

"We're here". I nodded as repeat.

When I saw his house, I was in shock. It was just as big as his. It had 2'etages and a big, black flat rooftop.

"My Lady" he said gently and hold the door for me. I blushed, but accepted. Why was he acting so sweet to me? He made me fell even more awful than Ialready felt.

I pushed my feelings away and just focused on Tanner. His house was huge. The entrée had marble floor that shined thought the Whole room. There were hanging a gold chandelier that made the floor shine even more.

There were several Pictures hanging on the wall. There was hanging a Picture with Tanner holding a microphone, singing his life out. I chuckled a bit, when I saw it.

"That one is so cute" I commented. He chuckled with me and carefully ran his fingers thought his hazelnut brown hair.

"Can I hear you sing?" I asked. He gave me a chocked look.

"Maybe later. you want some flu...I mean food?" he corrected himself. I took it as a joke and laughed a sweet laugh.

"No thanks. I'm not hungry." I lied and smiled. I didn't felt like eating after the lasagna thing in the canteen. Which reminds me; I still had lasagna and milk on me.

"Are you sure?"

"Pretty sure." but my stomach revealed me.

"Oh...not hungry?" Come on. I have something you would love" he said and grabbed my hand, leading me toward the kitchen.

My eyes were almost popping out, when I saw his kitchen. It was like in a palace. It was huge. It was very modern with the theme colors black, white and silver. There was another chandelier hanging over there eating table, just silver instead of gold. There were bushes in different shapes. Some were spirals and other was heartshaped. The leaves hang perfectly, and give the kitchen a warmer feeling. There were several big windows with white silk curtains.

I sat down at the eating table.

"Do you want anything to drink?" he asked and opened the fridge.

"Uhm...some tea would be good." I answered shyly.

He opened one of the closets and pulled out a little brown treasure box. I carefully watched every move he made, and laughed a bit.

"What flavor would you have?".

"What do you have?" I asked and rested my head on my hands.

"Citron, Black tea, green tea, berry-taste, orange, strawberry"

1 year ago (#Wattys2015) (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now