Chapter 16:Let's do some exerciseing

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Kumagawa was staying on his bed, thinking over things. The summer vacantion was almost over. Truly, they take too little time.

Well, it's not all bad. He did get to meet Yuki, which was probably one of the best things that happened in his life. After finnaly beating Medaka, of course.

He got a new call on his phone. This time it was Suzune.


He was in front of Suzune's room. He was surprised of how troubled she sounded. Do they have a mass murderer in school? Well, besides him.

He sung the door open and had a hard time kepping his composture. Suzune had her hand stucked in a bottle of water.


Suzune:Shut up!

Kumagawa:[How did this happen?]

Suzune:I was just washing my dishes and got my hand stucked.

Kumagawa:[That wouldn't have happened is you bought a washing machine.]

Suzune:Unfortunately, not everyone can rob senpais like it's a morning jog.

Kumagawa:[I'm just agressively negociating.]

Suzune:Whatever you say. So, are you gonna help me.

Kumagawa hummed in response and gripped the bottle. Soon it shattered in thousand of pieces and then it was back to it's original state.

Suzune:Thank you.

Kumagawa:[If you want to thank me than hand over those juicy tights.]

Suzune:...Get out, Pervertgawa.

Kumagawa:[How harsh.]

Suzune:...Special exam.


Suzune:...If you do good in the next special exam I...I'll give it to you...lap pillow.

Suzune looked away with an intense blush. Meanwhile, Kumagawa walked out of the room with a victorious smirk.

He did happen to meet with Kiyotaka on the way to his room. They decided to hang out.

Kiyotaka:Today's the last vacantion day, huh.

Kumagawa:[What did you do today?]

Kiyotaka:I tried to help Yamauchi to confess to Sakura. As you'd expect, it failed miserably.

Kumagawa:[I see, I got Suzune-chan's hand out of a bottle.]

Kiyotaka:Is that even possible?

Ignited by his boundless curiosity, Kiyotaka picked up a bottle. After messing around with it for a bit he really got his hand stuck in the battle. He looked back at Kumagawa with pitifull eyes.

Kiyotaka:Kumagawa, please help me.

Next day, class D had their attention brought to the front. Sae had another annoucement.

Sae:As of the beggining of the second semester in September, there will be held another special exam. This one shall take form of a sport festival.

The students were paying full attention to her. Meanwhile, Ken was pumping his fist in the air at the news.

Sae:All three years will participate at this event. There will be universal and induvidual competitions. Classes A and D will be sorted in Red Team, while classes B and C will be sorted in White team. The team events will be as such. Scavenger hunt. 120,000 metters race. Tug of war. And the three-legged race, which will be mixed gender. Be it individual or universal, each team will get the points won by their members. After the points are gathered, the winning team will have no change to their class, but the lossing team will have 100 class points deduced from every year. In individual competition first place will get 5,000 private points, second place will get 3,000 private points and third place will get 1,000 private points. The last place will have deduced 1,000 private points and if they posses less than 1,000 private points they'll get one mark deduced from the next written exam. Keep in mind that the students competing individual need to be choosen by their class. There are also other rewards for your performance. The student who has performed best overall will get 100,000 private points. Meanwhile, the next three students who got the best overall results will each get each 10,000 private points. Additional informations of the competitions will be put on your handbook. Are there any questions?

Kumagawa:[Sae-chan, the freshmans will enroll in the second semester, right? Does this have to do something with the sports festival?]

Sae:Good question, Kumagawa. As expected, you catch on quick. For the three-legged race you'll need to partner up with a kouhai.

Seeing as no on had any other questions, Sae left the classroom. Suzune was thinking of a strategy for the sport festival.

Kumagawa:[I wonder how will our kouhais be?]

Kiyotaka:There's bond to be some excentric people. It looks to be a running theme around here.

Kumagawa:[Right? I'm not sure why, but I feel like I'll meet a kindred spirit.]

Butterfly effect. The belief that every action has a consequence. While Kumagawa said that, a cheeky devil in the white room sneezed cutely.

Suzune:...That's a scary thought.

Suzune stepped on front and began speaking about how they should proceed with the exam. People were arguing if they should compete as they wanted, or by ability as Suzune suggested. Meanwhile, Kumagawa and Kiyotaka were playing tic-tac-toe.

Kikyo stepped away from the argument, looking over at the two monsters. She looked to see what they were doing.

Kikyo:Can I play too?

Kumagawa:[Sure. Kiyotaka?]

Kiyotaka:I see no problem with that.

Soon enough the argument ended, Suzune's suggestion winning. Kiyotaka was staring at the two monsters with a frustrated pout.

Kikyo:You two are really good at this.

Kiyotaka:Is a coincidence, really.

Kumagawa:[It was all Suzune-chan's plan.]

Kiyotaka:Oi, that's my excuse. Get your own.

Kikyo:Hehehe, you two really get along well.

Kumagawa:[Hm, I guess we do.]

Kiyotaka:Well, we are friends.

The two boys were called for the grip strenght. Kiyotaka was handed over the measure machine. He put force into his grip until it arrived at sixty kilograms.

Kiyotaka:That's it, I can't go further.

He could've gone further. But he still wanted to seem average.

Yosuke:That's really impressive, Ayanokoji-kun!

Kiyotaka:Huh? Isn't it just average?

Yosuke:No, I think the average is around fifty?

Kiyotaka shoot Ken a dirty look. That damn dog! He should've asked Kumagawa what was the average grip.

Ken:Beside Ayanokoji, all of you are pathethic. Let me show you hiw a real man does it. Oraaa!

Ken gripped the machine, which stopped at seventy-two. Ken adopted a arrogant manner.

Ken:I'm the strongest here!

Yosuke handed the machine to Kumagawa next. Ken's arrogance suddenly deflated.

Ken:...I'm the second strongest here.

Kumagawa began gripping the machine. The numbers were going up like crazy until it broke. That left the people who didn't know about his monstrous strenght in shock.

Kumagawa:[...I'm not paying for it.]


Kumagawa:[In the end the machine was just too fragile. It's not my fault.]

Yosuke:I understand, but-

Kumagawa:[It's not my fault.]

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