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Bdubs sleepily walked into the kitchen to find Doc wide awake, reading a book.
"Did you even sleep last night?" asked the American, opening the fridge and pulling out the milk jug.
"Yep," answered Doc, not looking up from his book.
"For how long?" Bdubs asked while pouring himself a cup of milk.
"Maybe 4 or 5 hours."
"4 or...Doc! You need more sleep!"
"It's fine."
"No it's not. How about this, tonight we go to bed at the same time, but tomorrow I'll go to bed when you do," offered Bdubs. He didn't like the idea of breaking his sleep schedule but he knew that was the only way Doc would listen.
"Deal," smirked the German.
Later that night...
Bdubs glanced at his clock, it was about 9 pm, thirty more minutes until he forced Doc to sleep. He was currently digging around in the cupboard for a package of cookies he knew he had stashed somewhere.
"Looking for these, DoubleO?" Bdubs turned around to see Doc holding a package of cookies in his hand.
"Why you little-" Bdubs took the box of cookies, opening it and taking one out.
"Actually out if the two of us I'd argue you're the little-"
"I am average height!" Exclaimed Bdubs, then he took a bite of his cookie.
"Whatever you say."
Sometimes Doc annoyed the heck out of the bandanna wearing man, it only made him love the German more. Bdubs let out an exasperated sigh and walked into his bedroom. The two shared an apartment together, it was just big enough for a kitchen, a living room and two small bedrooms and a bathroom along with a couple closest. It was an unspoken rule that unless you were invited to the other's room you didn't enter. Bdubs passed the half an hour by picking a book and reading for a bit. He looked at the clock out of instinct. It was exactly 9:30 pm. He got out of bed and headed over to the living room where DOc was watching TV.
"Bed time!" He called, earning him a groan, "Oh come on, it's not that bad."
"But I'm watching the news," grumbled Doc.
"And it will be there tomorrow!" He grabbed Doc's hand in an attempt to pull him out of his chair, "What's so interesting anyways?"
"Apparently there's going to be a storm or something." Bdubs froze.
A storm?! Bdubs was terrified of storms, well to be more specific he was terrified of thunder and lightning. He had Astraphobia, he had never told anyone before though, not wanting to seem like a baby.
"Are you okay?" Asked Doc.
"Yep, I'm fine, just a bit tired," he lied, "Now come on, time for sleep."
After he had finished his routine he lay in bed, wide awake. Maybe Doc had been wrong and there wasn't going to be a storm. It would be fi-
Before he could finish his thought he was greeted with booming thunder and a flash of lightning. He let out a yelp. He hid his head under the pillow. Maybe that would muffle the sound.
He was wrong. Terrified he got out of bed and quietly creeped into Doc's room.
"Hey Doc? Are you awake?" He whispered. Nothing. He crept over to Doc's bed and shook the sleeping man, "Hey, Doc, wake up!"
"What is it?" Asked Doc, waking up.
"I...uh-" He was cut off by another flash of lighting, he jumped, letting out a small shout.
"Bdubs? What's wrong?"
", the lightning- I have Astraphobia..." He mumbled.
"Do you want to talk about it? Or maybe sleep with me," suggested Doc, sitting up in bed.
"I..." Bdubs didn't know what to do, "I guess I could go with the second." He climbed into bed and the two layed there. Bdubs could feel himself blushing as he hid his face with his blanket. Soon after he drifted off to sleep, no longer scared.
This was a mess-

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