Chapter Four

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It's been a week now since you started at UA; meaning a whole week since the Bakugo incident. You got up early today, 5 am to be exact, since Aizawa wanted to meet with you for some hero training. You hated the idea of having to get up early but he was pretty persistent on it. Practically rolling out of bed, you headed to the bathroom, brushing your teeth and washing your face before you put on some workout clothes. You were wearing simple grey shorts with a black tank top, making it easier for you to move around.

You took the elevator down to the main floor to see Aizawa already waiting for you by the doors. No one seemed to be awake yet so it was just the two of you.

"You ready?" He asked. Man, he looks tired, hopefully, he wasn't up all night again.

"Yeah," you tried to conceal your excitement about finally being able to train with him one-on-one again. "Did you get any sleep last night?"

"Yeah," he brushed his hair out of his face, revealing the dark circles around his eyes. "Probably about an hour and a half." He seemed happy that he got that much. Truth is, he actually got less than that; being a hidden hero, working at night, definitely took a toll on him.

"Dad," your voice rolled, "you are literally so tired. You know, I could always just go back to sleep and then you could get some sleep too?" You said it with a hint of sass, hoping he would just say yeah and let you sleep a little more.

"No," he rolled his eyes at you, knowing what you were trying to do, "I'm not gonna leave just for you to get more sleep." He motioned for me to follow him. "We're gonna go to training room B. What you have on is fine today but any other time I tell you we're training I would rather have you in your hero costume." He sounded stern but it could've just been cause he was tired. You followed him out the doors as he led you to the training rooms.

"I don't even have a costume yet," you tried to get rid of the silence as you walked. "How am I supposed to wear it if I don't even have one." You didn't have an attitude you were just trying to make it known.

"You do, I put in a request and planned one out for you." His voice was monotone, hearing it made you want to fall asleep right then and there. "We're here. This is the training building. Students can use these whenever but they must reserve a room." He told you the basic rules of the rooms. Basically don't go without telling a teacher and don't kill anyone while training. "This is the one we're in. Normally, this room is used for fire-type quirks but since it's the largest, I figured it would be best for your teleportation."

The room had to be at least 100 feet long and 50 feet wide. How could they even afford all this space, you thought.

"This place is huge," you looked around seeing the fireproof walls and floor. You figured this is probably where Todoroki and Bakugo came to when they trained. "Why do we need this big of a room though? I can only teleport maybe 10-15 so there's no real reason for us to need this much space."

"You're right," he nodded his head at you, "right now you can only teleport 10-15 feet. That's why we're here, by the end of this year you're going to be able to teleport from one end to the other." Your eyes widened. You've never even tried to go beyond your limits, not that you could anyway. Your room in your house was barely 10 feet on one side.

"That's insane, I can barely even get up 15 feet when teleporting and you want me to make it to the other side of this room." You spoke with a slight attitude. "Dad, you are crazy." He scoffed at my comment.

"When Midoriya came here I didn't think that he would be able to become a hero or control his quirk. He had the ambition to become a hero and that's what made him get to the point he is today."

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