Chapter 1: The Awaking

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"Diana! Get up for school!" It echos through my head, rattling my skull. I rolled over and tumble out of bed. I stand while slipping my feet into my slippers. My head felt like a balloon, it does a lot of the time. I clenched my pounding forhead and sliped my soft, black robe on. The feeling of the silky fur on my rough arms always was able to make me feel alive for at least just a moment. I drooped to the mirror, touching the strangers face looking back at me. I stretched out my hands, making tight and then loose fists. I sighed, looking at my chipped nail polish. *these arent my hands, this isn't my body..* I thought to myself. "DIANA!"
"COMING!", I yelled back. I pushed my body away from my vanity and drooped out into the hallway. Each step felt like I was floating in mid air. *why can't I just be a kid again, when i felt at peace with my self and the world* I thought while slumping down the crooked stairs. I stepped in to the kitchen and said hi to my mom. As I sat down into the wooden chair, I could feel every year that wood was alive underneath me. I hated feelings like this, being too aware of myself and others. It was so surreal, so empty but alive. I stared at the rubbery eggs and toast my mom had made me. I picked at it with my fork, like I was looking for something. I took a few bights and then I was in my room upstairs, getting dressed. *how did I get here* I thought. That happens a lot. I don't remember how I got places, or what happened inbetween. It feels like I teleported. I get fully changed and brush my teeth. My stomach is pounding as loud as my head. I run to the buss stop after kissing my mom good bye, but start to slow down. I look around me, the trees and grass and sky look so fake. Like a painting or a movie in my eyes. But they are completely normal to everyone else..

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