1. Phoebe Evans.

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Phoebe Evans grew up calling a quaint cottage just outside of London home. She had a simple upbringing by Violet and Wesley Evans, two very educated and intelligent individuals. Her mother mostly remained at home, authoring several fantasy novels, while her father worked extensive hours, often not returning until late in the evening for weeks at a time. It sometimes puzzled the girl why he would often come home with scratches and bruises he didn't have that morning, but her mother eased her worries and it easily slipped from Phoebe's young mind.

It came as a bit of a shock to the girl when an owl appeared on her windowsill the week before she was to begin her sixth year at school. In its beak, it held a letter. A letter that invited 11 year old Phoebe Evans to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Her father was beyond delighted in the hope that she would follow in his footsteps, and potentially become an auror too. Her mother, on the other hand, was terrified that entering the wizarding world would lead Phoebe to the same fate as her Aunt Lily and Uncle James.

Nevertheless, Phoebe left King's Cross Station on a train bound for the school on September 1st, an exciting and equally terrifying future ahead of her.

Phoebe came to find several places home in a small amount of time after learning that she could do magic. Of course, where she grew up was her first home. But, the hallowed halls of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry quickly became a second home to her, providing her with friendships that would last a lifetime, as well as a plethora of knowledge. As the years went by and she befriended a certain pair of red-headed twins, their home quickly became hers as well.

Even the hidden headquarters of The Order of the Phoenix at 12 Grimmauld Place became a home to her over the two weeks she spent there just before her sixth year. After aiding Mad-Eye Moody, and several other loyal Ministry officials, in rescuing her cousin Harry from his home at 4 Privet Drive, she found an apartment filled with the majority of the Weasley family, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, and Hermione and Lena Granger. It was a welcome sight after a long summer alone with her mother, even if it were under dire circumstances. She had seen Harry several times over the holidays while visiting her Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon, but her mother asked that she not visit the Weasleys. It was the first summer since Phoebe's father died, and her mother sought the comfort of her sister and daughter.

Despite the impending threat of Voldemort's return, the Order thought it best for Phoebe and her friends to return to school under Dumbledore's protection. It was now mid-September and classes were back in full swing, much to Phoebe's displeasure.

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