6. Patrol Duty

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A fresh November wind blew softly against Phoebe's face as she looked out on the vacant Quidditch pitch. She took a deep breath, squinting as the sun reflected against the white hanging canvases and slightly stung her eyes. Phoebe winced, her head still pounding.

This had always been her favorite place to think, even though she rarely allowed herself to sit alone with her thoughts. But when she did, it was at the pitch. Flying had always brought Phoebe such a state of mental peace, but she had completely lost that escape this year. When she woke up that morning and remembered every small detail of the night, it was terribly overwhelming and she needed the time and space to sort out her thoughts.

Her thoughts were interrupted, however, when she saw her best friend scaling the stands to her right.

"Morning, Sandra Dee," Phoebe teased.

Lena clearly wasn't aware of what Phoebe saw the night before, and plopped down beside her as if everything was normal.

"You came back pretty late last night," said Lena, a suggestive glint in her eyes.

"Surprised you weren't out all night with Alfie Wilson," Phoebe couldn't contain herself, turning to her friend with an accusatory tone.

Lena looked like a deer in headlights. "How long have you known?"

"What do you mean? I just saw you two last night," Phoebe explained before realizing. "Wait a second, how long has this been happening?"

"Oh my god," said Lena, placing her head in her hands in embarrassment.

"So that's where you've been the past two months!" marveled Phoebe.

Her best friend's occasional, but odd, disappearances since the beginning of the school year were suddenly explained. She couldn't believe Lena had kept such a secret for so long.

"Nobody's supposed to know," Lena groaned.

"He's not trying to keep you a secret is he?"

"No, no. Nothing like that. If anything, I'm the one trying to keep it a secret," she defended.

"Well, you two weren't exactly secretive last night," Phoebe smirked, honestly proud of, and excited for her friend.

"Like anyone remembers anything from last night."



"Have you read the new Hogwarts Howler issue?" Lena asked as she pulled a jacket from her wardrobe.

"Nope," Phoebe responded, her gaze remaining on her Charms book in front of her.

"This girl's no joke," she replied. "She's out for blood."

"How do you know it's a girl?"

"Oh, trust me. It's a girl," smiled Lena, setting the parchment on Phoebe's bedside table before crossing towards the door. "I'm going to meet Alfie. I'll see you later."

"Be safe!" Phoebe called after her. "Leave at least five feet between one another!"

Her friend was already out the door, and as little as she cared, something about the parchment beside her was calling her name. Phoebe sighed, reached over for it, and began reading.

The Hogwarts Howler

Dear Fellow Student,
    Happy Belated Halloween. and there was nothing spookier than the goings on of last night's festivities. This Friday night was filled with horrors, like our dear Blaise Zabini's costume that was much more of a joke than a Joker. But still, that didn't stop Pansy Parkinson from keeping his bed warm all night.
    Professor Um-bitch was surprisingly absent from discipline this All Hallowed evening, much to our luck. Hopefully she was getting some from her newfound companion, Filch. But none of us could care less about her, and we should all be thankful for whatever kept her occupied.
    I'm not sure who messed up the Halloween Bash entry charm, but for some reason, our lovely Head Boy, Pretty Boy Diggory seems to have gotten lost and found himself in the Slytherin Common Room. Next time, know your place Diggory, and it certainly isn't among any of us.

Head Boy // Cedric DiggoryWhere stories live. Discover now