Season 1

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It shows the 4 lands and then it appears to the other land that Xeno Rex lives.  Then a portal appears in front of him and it shows his eyes to the tile of the story.

It shows Xeno and the goddess and the candidates and Gill looking at the sunrise.  It next shows Xeno and Gill's zoid forms. 

Then it shows Xeno has a past with his parents and it shows Compa looking into the sunset.

It shows the goddess and candidates looking at the camera with a dramatic pose. 

It shows their enemies and Xeno in his human form looking ready to fight with the CPU's and candidates.

It next shows XenoRex and burning liger in their zoid forms fighting.

It shows the CPU's and their sisters fighting monsters, and Gill and along with IF alongside each other helping their friends fight.

It shows Xeno in his different forms, scissors and buster forms.  It shows Xeno in his human form with Compa blushing when they kiss. 

It then shows then the Zero Zoids 

A foot slams down, it shows ZeroGlisis staring at Xeno in his human form charging his zero blast in his chest while flames are all around him.  Xeno and the gods charge at him with his friends while his blades caught on file.  

the final scene shows him looking up his friends smiling at Compa, the readers while Xeno forms and upgrades are in the back ground.

Hyperdimension neptunia xeno rex male reader x compaWhere stories live. Discover now