༻𓊈𒆜one 𒆜𓊉༺

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the school bell rang, and students immediately began filling the halls. y/n made her way to deena's locker after collecting everything she needed from her own, but she couldn't help but notice two things.

one, all the pictures and notes on heather's locker, she didn't know heather personally but the thought of what happened to her was still hard to think about.

two, the couple making out on deena's locker. she gagged, looking around to see if deena was close.

she was, and it seemed she was eyeing the couples around the hall. y/n felt bad for deena, ever since the whole thing with sam happened she hasn't been quite the same.

"um, deena.. your locker," y/n muttered as soon as deena was in ear shot.

"don't they have their own lockers?" deena asked speeding up a bit, y/n right behind her. she slammed her fist against the locker next to her's and the couple immediately migrated somewhere else.

"how's it been, deena?" y/n asked softly, leaning against the locker deena slammed her fist on seconds ago.

"as good as it gets in shadyside." deena smiled.

their conversation was cut short by a guy pulling out a knife and slamming it onto heather's locker. y/n's eyes widened, and deena pulled her back a bit. he carved RIP into the metal before leaving without a word.

"you see? it's the witch." the two girls turned to face kate, y/n smiling and deena sighing. "sarah fier's back."

"not you too." deena rolled her eyes.

kate laughed and y/n smiled at her. she grabbed y/n's sleeve and lead to two girls to the bathroom.

they walked in and y/n immediately laughed at the bathroom stalls.

"she reaches from beyond the grave to make good men her wicked slaves!" kate taunted. y/n walked closer to the stalls, giggling.

"she'll take your blood!" simon jumped out one of the stalls, and both girls jumped a bit.

"simon." y/n and simon had been dating for almost two years. three more days until their anniversary, and the two were very excited to give each other their presents.

"she'll take your head." he followed deena, laughing. "she'll follow you until your dead!"

"wow," deena dragged out her words, smiling sarcastically.

"it's just fun." y/n smiled, tossing her bag down and sitting on one of the sinks.

"it's sick," deena replied.

"the dude was wearing a halloween skull mask, how is that not fun?" simon leaned against the stall door.

"people died. heather died." deena furrowed her eyebrows. "the dude was probably just some sad sack who hated his life, just like the rest of us. except he decided 'hey, why don't I get out of here for good?' and 'hey, why don't I take heather and a couple other mall rats with me?' there's no angry dead witch that made him go postal. the only thing that made him go crazy is this town." deena threw her jacket down and y/n cleared her throat quietly.

there was a moment of silence before kate spoke up.

"are you okay?"

"yeah.. I'm fine." y/n gave deena a suspicious look, that she ignored.

"seems like... maybe you got a little witch in you." simon smiled and the girls laughed.

"dude, why are you even in here? this is the girl's bathroom," deena laughed, finally loosening up.

y/n hopped off the sink and watched as simon climbed on the toilet and grabbed a box out the vent. he jumped down, giving her a little wink.

"candy store."

"you know we don't actually believe this witch shit, right? it's just like.. messed up santa claus." kate fixed her hair in the mirror.

"ho ho ho." y/n walked over to simon, slowly sitting, with his help, to make sure her skirt didn't go up.

she wrapped her arms around her legs and layed her head on her knees.

"m'lady," simon whispered, brushing his fingers across her arm.

"good sir." she giggled, turning away to hide the pink tint on her cheeks. simon scooted closer to her, and she glanced over with a smile.

"y/n." she looked up at deena, who called her name.

"no, deena. we are not getting mixed up in your ex drama," kate answered for her. y/n furrowed her eyebrows together, mumbling a small 'what?' "do it yourself."

"I'm not going, I quit band." deena tossed the box down.

"since when?" y/n asked.

"since who cares?"

"isn't band the only extracurricular activity you had left?" kate asked, and deena shook her head to indicate that she didn't care. "well you still have your band uniform. plus, I've got something that'll help you face sam." she took the box and opened it.

"you're dealing again?" deena asked. y/n went to stand, but simon grabbed her arm and stood first so he could help her.

"lemme see." she peeked over kate's shoulder. "I thought you stopped after timothy OD'd?"

"timmy?" Simon asked, putting his arm around y/n.

"timmy wasn't a real OD, he didn't die." she closed the box. "they brought him back." she smiled.

"ja-jing!" he brought his arms up and then back down. y/n playfully pushed him.

"you three are morons."

"excuse me?" y/n asked pretending to be offended, and tossing her bag over her shoulder.

"which one of us is valedictorian again?" kate smiled, grabbing her stuff. the four left the bathroom, and went back into the crowded halls. simon reached for y/n's hand, and she grabbed his and swung their arms around a bit.

"woo! long live the witch!" a boy ran down the hallway with a dummy attached to him. simon and y/n looked at each other with wide smiles.

deena looked at them looking very disappointed. but the three only laughed more.

"before tonights game, out of respect for last night's tragic events, sunnyvale will host a candlelight vigil for the victims. all player, cheer and band attendance is mandatory." y/n groaned as her and kate looked at each other, before turning to deena who rolled her eyes.



I hope you enjoyed the story, if there's anything I can do to make my writing better just lmk!

idk if I want more or less simon and y/n, might just keep it the same for now.

have a great day/night!! <3

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