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Yoongi spits some blood after the twentieth punch today. He's getting used to this. It's still something he can take. And no matter how much they try, he doesn't say a word. Because the longer he stays quiet the more chances he gets for whoever is after him to finally show his face.

- Just tell us where the money is, Suga.

Nothing but silence. One of the men in the room tries to scare him.

- Maybe we should take his eyes out

- Now that I think about it, I know where the money is...

- I knew he would talk

- I spent it in Las Vegas where I married your mom last night

His grin makes the men in front of him more angry. But they have orders to obey. They can't kill him. Not yet. And Yoongi knows it. Suddenly, someone else enters the room and the men take a step back leaving him space. Crazy Changbin drags a chair to sit in front of him.

- Min Suga...Cool name for a soulless assassin. How do you like my new house?

- Mmmm I've seen better. I could afford something bigger

- With my money? I'm sure you would. But I'm not dumb. You spent it, didn't you?

Yoongi frowns, confused. If he knows he doesn't have it anymore then what's the point of all this? Changbin asks the rest to walk out. He needs some alone time with his biggest enemy.

- I don't care shit about the money, Suga. My newest allies do. But I'm sure each of them will ask you about it when the time comes.

- Then tell me...why am I here?

Yoongi smiles. Finally, after two years of being chased and stalked he can know what they're looking for. Everyone else gave up on finding them after a few months. But Changbin never did. And he wants to know why.

- You took her from me, Suga.

- Uh? I didn't take anyone

- Liar! She was my sister! You had no right!

Yoongi can't believe it. All of this for someone he never even knew? He did many stupid things in his life but messing with Crazy Changbin's sister was not one of them.

- You have the wrong guy, asshole

- Don't even try that on me. I saw you. You're on the fucking tapes.

- What ta...

Everything comes to place. He swallows hard understanding what happened. He'll go along with it. He needs to know more.

- Let's say I hypothetically killed your sister. Why are you keeping me alive?

- You call this being alive? - He shoots his right arm - Let's see if you can understand this Min. This is simply my turn. I deserve to go first after what you did to her. But I'll make sure you go through the hands of everyone who lost something thanks to you. Even if that something is only money. And only then. When they all torture you enough you'll come back to me and he'll let me kill you

- He?

- He loved her, Suga...I loved her. You took everything from us

Yoongi sighs. He wants to think a way for the other to say a name. Anything that will let him know who's behind this. His arm hurts like hell but he swallows the pain and tries to make another question. However, his chance of it is interrupted when a gunshot is heard outside. Changbin leaves the room and some other men come to guard him.

He can't be sure of what's going on but everyone seems to be alert. When the door opens four shots are heard. One for each of the men guarding Yoongi. He stares at Jin's eyes and can't help a smile to come out.

- Hyung...I wasn't expecting to see your handsome face toda-

His words stops when he sees Jin close the door behind him and point his gun at him.

- Shut the fuck up, stay sit and talk, you son of a bitch

- Jin, I don't have time for this. Are you really gonna - He hears him take the safety off -...I guess you are.

- Why the fuck did you leave? You stole from everyone, do you know how much shit I had to deal with because of you? You almost sink the Kim family. My family. Me. You left me alone and for what? Was Jimin's ass that good? And don't lie to me. The Princess is not your type.

- Jin...I can promise you it wasn't planned. He ran away. All I did was follow him

- And why the fuck didn't you take me with you?! Do you know how lonely I was? You were my only friend. I should kill you for backstabbing me

- Listen to me. I didn't do it to go against you. It wasn't because I was horny either. I would've never left you and Hobi just for a night of fun

- Then why did you-

- I love him, Jin.

- W-What are you talking about? You don't love anyone. You told me that yourself. You have no soul and you're a cold ass bitch. Like me. You're playing with him and you know it.

- No...Not this time. - The honesty in his words is clear - You know, I think Jimin is a little nuts

- A little? Not the right word. I don't know what you did to him but he's somehow more out of his mind than before.

- I know. It's a work of art.

- Not sure I'd call him that, but sure...

- Thing is...I think that seeing him lose his head made me more...sane. I know he could do very stupid things because he's not scared of anything anymore. And I won't let him get hurt. No one can kill him

- That's very swee-

- Unless it's me. No one hurts him, kisses him or touches him. Unless it's fucking me. And I won't be with anyone that isn't him.

- Not as romantic as you think that's sounds but holy shit, Suga...That little idiot makes you feel like that?

- Look I would love to talk about my Jiminie all day but can you stop pointing at me and help me get out of here?

Jin doubts. But after cursing through his teeth he saves the gun and lets him go. Not without complaining as he does it.

- You could've fucking told me

- I promise next time I will

- Next ti-

A scream for help alerts Yoongi. He knows that voice. Jin gives him one of his guns.

- Go save your princess, I'll cover

Yoongi leaves the room first and not that long after Jin was gonna follow him. But one of the men he shot before is still alive and tries to kill him. Thankfully his reflexes are better than most people's and he can take care of it. The door opened and he turned to point that way. But that's when he saw Namjoon's eyes...

Next Chapter

Who is that and why are you talking so nice to him?

You did what you had to do


I love making them friends. Even if they point at each other with guns hahahaha

Next one we'll see the three youngest. I can't tell you if you'll enjoy it because...it depends what couple you focus on D:

See you in a few days~

- Baby Y

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