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Marathon 4/7

Jin's been living in a fantasy world for several hours. After waking up wrapped in Namjoon's arms, he panicked. Half of him wanting to run away from there, the other half wanting to stay. He didn't have time to make the final call when his soulmate woke up as well. Blushing, Namjoon got up to buy him breakfast and a pill for the back pain after such a night. They didn't talk about what happened. Jin had to control his heart till the moment he left. He didn't even know if he should kiss him goodbye or not, which he can't believe stressed him so much.

The following day there were no texts from him but it didn't matter. For Jin that was the best night of his life even if he hates to admit it. Unable to get the sensation the other left on his skin, he tried to take a bath to relax. But being in the bathtub the memories kept coming back to him. The touch, his voice, the whole feeling. He completely made him forget who he was and why he was avoiding it. More than once throughout the day he finds himself wondering if he could somehow make it work or at least repeat it. And this time it's hard to come back to reality.

Before, knowing this relationship was impossible was cristal clear. It was obvious and there were no regrets. But now he can't help to feel bad whenever that idea crosses his mind. And specially, he can't avoid feeling incredibly good with what happened. At night he can't even stop himself from texting Namjoon to meet again the following week. But opposite to what he expected, he gets no answer. He doesn't worry about it though, he's sure the other felt the same way as he did. He could see it in his eyes that night. It's very late when he realizes it's time. He should see through his soulmate's eyes soon. For some reason he can't help to smile and wonders what he'll show him.

He stares at the little cactus on one of his shelves. The first and only present he got from him. Maybe...maybe they really are meant to be. Of course the idea of telling him his real identity is something he doesn't want to think about yet. But in his little fantasy he can just imagine it for now. Even if he'll have to come back to earth as always...he can enjoy this for a little longer. Or at least that was his plan, when the time comes and after showing nothing but darkness, he can see what his soulmate prepared for him. A note. Like many times before he wrote him something. But this time, the words only make him fall into realization.

Hi...I don't know how to say this. I don't know why I did it. It's the hardest thing I ever had to write. My dear soulmate, I...I was with someone else. It was a spur of the moment. I swear it wasn't important. It can't be. I will keep waiting for you. Forever. And I promise I will never make that mistake again.

Forever yours, Namjoon

By the end of it, Jin got to feel something he wasn't used to... tears rolling down his face. How long has it been since the last time he cried? Was it when Yoongi left him? Was it before that? He can't be sure. But at the end it doesn't matter. The words on that note were clear. This was a spur of the moment, a mistake. Finally, like he always ends up doing, he comes back to the real word. To what this life is really like. An error. He always knew the universe was wrong in every sense of the word. From giving a soul to some and nothing to others, giving two soulmates to the same person and...and making him believe he was meant to be with Kim Namjoon.

Of course that's not his destiny. They're polar opposites. The physical attraction might've been there but there's nothing else. He shouldn't have a soulmate that's nothing but a weak spot in his business. And Namjoon would never see further in what he shows him. Jin thinks...No, he knows Namjoon is waiting for someone perfect for him. A good person with a good job, a good family, a good life. Someone that can help him run his flower shop and will say sweet words to him showing nothing but honesty. He's not that kind of person. He never will be. And for the first time in a long time, he cries himself to sleep.

The following day, he wakes up later than usual and decides to take the day off surprising everyone at home. Namjoon finally answered to his text. He agreed to go out some other time but with no alcohol involved and as friends. He used the sweetest words to say it. He tried for Jin not to feel rejected. But it was too late. The note he wrote was more than clear that his intentions were not the same as that night. Ignoring Namjoon's answer, Jin thinks of a plan. Walking up to where Hobi and Hyunjin are, he asks for a favor

- I need you to track someone down for me

- Sure. You name it.

- Remember the girls we ended up saving on our last mission? In Crazy Changbin's hideout?

- The ones Namjoon freed? Yeah, that was fucking dangerous but none of them talked about us don't worry.

- I know, I made sure they would keep their mouths shut. Anyway, I need you to find one of them.

- Uh...okay? Won't Taemin be keeping an eye on girls though? He's been after all of us for years. And he's a good fucking cop so if he finds out-

- He won't. Don't worry. I know my way around him. He's good at his job but I'm even better.

Hyunjin obeys his boss. For some reason he sounds even more cold than usual. His tone is pretty much emotionless and his face doesn't show his real intentions. Only an hour later, Jin manages to find her. She's still limping from the same leg as last time. When she sees him, her eyes shine. For her, he's one of her two heros. And little does she know, soon she'll have to meet the second one. She can't help to feel excited because lately she's even been dreaming about her savior...Namjoon.

Next Chapter

Every single person you're near will be in danger if they want to go against you

The worst part of your plan has to be mine?


Hi guys~ My poor Jinnie starts falling and already gets heartbroken poor boy D: Well... it's not the saddest Namjin chapter though... anyway! I hope you're enjoying so far despite the sad parts!

Next chapter will be with Yoongi! And with Hobi because they're besties ✨ When the marathon is completed we'll be ending the chill part yeeeeey

I'll see you tomorrow! And prepare for Hobi's album that's almost out! Aaaaaah

- Baby Y

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