Chapter 6 - Lavender, Ribbons, and Love

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"I trust you with my life too... because I Love you, Amelia."

I was trying to comprehend what Thad had just told me. I had wished for him to say something like this to me on so many occasions, but now that it had happened... I didn't know what to say. I didn't know how to react to his confession. So I did what seemed appropriate for any girl my age... I started to cry without realizing that I was doing so.

"Amelia? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you cry!" Thad started to worry and fuss over whether or not he should comfort me as he let me go and I tried to turn so that I could face him, "This is not how I imagined I'd tell you and now I've made you cry... I should just leave and I'll check on you tomorrow."

He sighed heavily as his shoulders drooped, but before he could even take a step to leave the stables, I wrapped my arms around his torso while pressing my face into his chest. I hugged him tightly while he stood there frozen with his arms in the air a bit since he didn't know what to do.

"So when you were talking about your First Love this morning?" I asked him softly as I kept my face in his chest.

"I was referring to you." He told me a bit stiffly, waiting for my response with such nervous tension that I could feel it coming off of him in waves.

"That's a relief." I laugh softly as I look up at him with the biggest smile, "Because you're my First Love too Thad."

I watched his face as he took my words into his head, watched as they were processed, and saw his face turn several shades of red even as the brightest smile I'd ever seen spread across his face too. I was suddenly in the air, being spun around with Thad's hands lifting me by my waist... joy, and love on his face as he celebrated the fact that we felt the same way about one another. Just as swiftly as he had picked me up, he carefully set my feet back on the ground once more, only to catch me off guard as he placed a soft kiss on my forehead.

"Let's finish up our work and then sit together to relax for a while before I have to head home for the day." Thad tells me as he half rushes out of the stables, pulling me along gently as he went.

I couldn't do much else but shake my head at his behavior and follow him so that I could help unload the buggy as quickly as possible.

"It's alright Thad, we have plenty of time to spend together... we always have and we always will." I tell him as I grab a few of the smaller seed bags and carry them into the barn.

We had left just after dawn to get to the market and by the time we finished unloading everything into the barn, it was mid-day by the time we finished and we both couldn't wait to sit down to relax while we enjoyed a bit of lunch. Seeing as the weather was so nice and we were both in such a good mood, we packed a basket of some of our favorite foods and made our way to my garden where we set out our picnic blanket and sat down to enjoy our simple snack in the warm sun.  We were both surprised when the sound of a carriage could be heard coming from the road toward my home, and I was even more surprised when I noticed that it had the Van Dracen family symbol on the side of the carriage... Thad was less than pleased when Conner got out first but let up a little when Conner then assisted his mother down right after.

"Lady Van Dracen, it's wonderful to see you today." I greeted her as I carried the picnic blanket back toward the house while Thad grabbed the basket, "Hello to you as well Conner."

"Forgive us for just stopping by, we were on our way home and wanted to make sure that you have made it home yourself after what happened this morning. Plus I wanted to get to know you a bit better before I got you a gift since we're now neighbors." Lady Van Dracen smiles at me as she comes to give me a gentle hug that I return.

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