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When Derek asked
Alec "yes i am why are you asking me that?'  Alec replied to him "bro we were in. Medical code and ethics class together 2 years ago and we were paired as partners for all our projects".  "Oh my lord that is right we partnered in all our projects but, i knew you looked familiar i just didn't recognize you with that scruff on your face you were clean cut in class and you look cute with facial hair , it suits you well "Derek told Alec while he blushed making that comment.  Derek also prayed that Kate didn't hear him make that comment toward Alec. But, As Derek flirted with Alec magnus over heard him and was feeling jealous because Magnus was secretly in love with his best friend Alexander.  Alec replied back to Derek as well and said "um thanks your got scruff on your face to it actually brings out your eyes, but um lets eat because i am starving and there is plenty of food here the owner of the house stocked the fridge we laid for the foods be here." 

When Alec said that Nicole "snookie" pollozi came in along with jwow. 

Snokki. Said " hey guys welcome to our home we set you up with an old friend named Danny you will be working there at the t-shirt store jwow and i are partner in hi store now there are 2 locations one that dan runs and the other one Pauly d, Jenny aka jwow, and Ronnie so you will see us again on a regular basis. "  vinnny comes in Paul's husband.
Vinny says" hey guys welcome to our house many years ago we met here as strangers and now we are a family I hope you guys can become a family like we did"   Pauly comes in and Paula runs to vinny and says daddy daddy. 

Camilla. Replies after they say what they have to say .. 'dame i hate working but, i guess it is what ever. ".  Snookie and vinny look at each other and smiled, because  Camilla reminded them of Angelina but, in the end she grew up and they are all friends and a family.

Magnus goes up to them and says "omg it is so nice to meet you i have been watching your show for along time i feel like i speaking to royalty".

Alec replies to. Them" yes we had a marathon on hulu the other day because we knew we were coming to the Jersey shore,  i also had a crush on vinny I'm a little jealous he is with Pauly d."  Magnus than said to Alec " oh sweets you have me now" as he started caressing alecs back. Alec got chills from that comment and the touch of magnus.  Alice said to the Jersey shore cast " would you like to join us i made a great spread because i love to cook".

Jwow replied to Alec " yeah sure that is a great idea because, we can set up. A schedule for you guys and we can tell you the hottest places to go to have fun  when you are not working". " oh we know the spots because we have watched your show plenty of times too many to count to be honest with you."   Jenny started to laugh and said to them " don't get to wasted , we all know about that , right Nicole ".  Snookie Thant replied back and  said " oh ye i do remember our meatball daze but, as we say now we are classy and we have grown up a lot because we are married were married and have children."    " yes we are but, back to getting the schedules done ". Jennie said to the people that are there now at the house.

Camille makes an ugh sound " ugh i hate that i have to work i came here to relax  an do nothing and work on my tan".  Jennie said to her friends " boy she reminds me so much of Angelina".   "Tell me about it vinny and i was just talking about that."  Jennie finally got their schedule situated and told them to enjoy their weekend because they have too all show for work on Monday morning.  

As  Nicole Jennie vinny and pauly  left simon turned around and. Said " they are right Camille is exactly how Angelina was on the show maybe she will leave like she dud and we can have a peaceful summer ". 

They all finally sat down and ate and when they were all finished they went into their rooms and unpacked.  Peter finally bowed up  and saw Derek and stile play fighting.  Peter than said " hello nephew, hello my son in law". Dark stop my boy friend i not gay and stop making us married we are still young.    "Jeez Mali i am just kidding". "Well I don't like it dad so please stop ok " malia said in a loud tone to get her dad to listen.  " ok fine is there food because I am starving it was a long way to get here."  " Yes there is left over food in the fridge " Derek told his uncle.  

Peter walked into the kitchen and sees Lydia talking with the other house guests and he says to them. "Hi guys I'm peter  dereks uncle and malias dad". They all said nice to meet you..  Jenny also introduced her elf and told him that this is their house and that he and the other house guests will be working at the shore store. Peter was star stuck because he said to them " omg you are omg your are um snookie and jwow it is so awesome to meet you its an honor i mean to meet you".  Nicole laughed and said " it is a pleasure to meet you as well but, come by the store on Monday for orientation and to get your finalized schedule."  Lydia replied with a " we will can't wait"

JENNY N SNOOKI LEAVE..............

Camille comes in and says "now it time to get to know each other for real, how about we play some games."   
" really cam w are not in high school " clary replied to Camille.  " actually she's right its the best way to get to know everyone so I'm in" Alec said
: great how about spin the bottle but, with a twist with a truth or dare version. ".


Camille spun first and it landed on it landed on Alec Camille chucked and said " he,he,he ok Alec truth or dare?"   Alec than said "dame i am going to probably regret this but, i. Say truth".  Camille looked shocked that he picked truth but it is all good because she was still prepared for question so she said to her self here goes nothing.  The question that Camille asked Alec was " how old were you when you first had sex and with whom"?  Alec gulped and said " i was 13 and it was at my friends parents engagement party and I was very drunk."  Clary said please tell me it was not in my bed and who was it"?   " no clary it wasn't in your bed and it was in the basement and it was with Maia ."  That is when Alec got a phone call and he excused him self. Simon turned to clary and said " i thought Alec is gay".  " he is but back than he was not sure" in the back ground they heard Alec talking to a little girl.   As Alec walked back in he said " sorry guys that was my daughter she is at sleep away camp and she wanted to tell me when visiting times were".

Stiles said to Alec " wow how old is she "?   Alec said "she is 9 years old she lives with Maia while I'm in college but i see her all the time "
Alec showed them pics of her and said that izzy is the god other and Magnus is the god father."   Camille said " ok enough of the crap lets get back to the game". Alec sun and it landed on stiles. Stiles replied with truth right away because he doesn't like to do dared dared got him into trouble.  Alec than replied " ok same question how old were you earn you first had sex and with whom?"   " I was also 13 but i was also very drunk and I don't remember who it was because when I woke up the person was gone".   Camille said " wow we have a lot of sluts here ". Malia tole her to shut up and Camille came back at. Her with a make me bitch. Comment and Magnus intervined and said that is enough.  That's when stiles spun the bottle and it landed on Magnus.  Magnus said dare.   " i dare you to kiss all the girls just a peck".   Magnus fi what was asked of his dare.  Magnus spun the bottle and it landed on Derek.  Magnus asked the dame question that was asked and Derek replied back with " well i was 15 i was also very drunk and when it  was over i had to leave because my mom would have grounded me for life."  Kate looked at her boyfriend with a very mean look.  Jace than said " this is boring let's play  never have i ever".  Everyone grabbed a drink and jaces first question. Was never have i ever had sex with the same sex".   Stiles, Derek, Alec and Magnus all took a drink. Lydia said "omg who was it with guys?" Clary then never have i ever stolen anything "?
No one drank. Lydia went and said " never have i ever skinny dipped "? Kate and Derek drank as well as stiles and malia. Peter gave stiles a evil look.  Malia went next and said never have i cheated on my partner.  Kate gave her a dirty look but, drank. Magnus said " camille aren't you going to drink you cheated on Alexander with me and I didn't even  know he was  dating you."   Stiles finally said " we just need to go to the labs nad bars and have fun and parrrrtttttyyyy."  Mags said " you know what that sounds good,  Alexander let me fix you up to look hot out  there tonight".   " don't you mean fix him up with your dick shoved up his ...."  Magnus told her to shut up and that they are only friends.  That is when the gang left to go get ready for a great time out...


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2022 ⏰

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