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"were here!!" you exclaimed upon reaching the desired spot of the mountain.

"oh" shouto remarked at the location you two were in.

and it was a nice spot so to say, the two of you could see the whole view of the town, the weather was also very favourable considering that it was summer.

"shouto" you called out for him and sign him to help you set up for your mini picnic.

"isn't it heavy to carry all this?" shouto remarked looking at all the goods that you brought to eat for you both.

"don't worry its not a big deal" you said brushing him off.

"if you say so"

and the rest of the time was spent with you and shouto talking about possibly every topic that there was.

both him and you always felt comfortable in each other's presence almost as if you and him have known each other for a very long time. clique but true.

he never missed to make you feel heard or important plus he was also great at giving you advices and he too felt the same when ever he conversed with you.

but right now you were somehow left speechless because shouto was sharing with you about how he sometimes feels like he's not cut out to be a hero and that he wants to give it all up.

you were speechless because you always that he wanting to be a hero was his dream and that he never felt this way but looks like you were wrong.

"and sometimes i just want to give it all up" shouto told you sharing one of his deepest thoughts and doubts about himself.

hearing you not say anything in return he quickly told you,"i'm sorry i might have over shared and made you feel uncomfortable"

"shouto!" you quickly said and grabbed the both of his shoulders and made him face towards you.

"i was not uncomfortable not even one bit" you began explaining and to which shouto listened to you full heartedly.

"and please don't ever apologize for sharing your concerns and worries when your with me, in fact i'm glad that you trust me enough to share it with me"

"i'll keep that in mind" he mumbled but audible enough for you to hear.

"and about you wanting to give it all up I, y/n want you to know that it's okay and that it's very human like to feel that way"

"ah" he said and gently nodded his head in response.

now grabbing his hands instead of his shoulders you began to tell him again,"we all have bad days and on those days we feel like giving up and that all of our hard work is for nothing and that it won't pay off at the end"

you breathed out and continued,"but i want you to know that don't let those bad days overshadow your good ones and i, i don't know how you feel, when you go through those because i'm not in your place but. . ."

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