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Is there a point in life when you just say fuck it, and do whatever you want? Because if so, Luna was looking forward to that day, She was kept away from Andy and his girlfriend, and when they all hung out, which was basically all the time, Luna was given death stares from Megan, And Luna was giving them the right-back, everyone in that room knew how crazy that short girl could get, and honestly, she could be scarier then Megan if she wanted, But in a good way, that's why Andy was so attracted to her, Luna passed the blunt, staring directly into the girl's eye's, the girl that was in Andy's arms, "What's your problem?" Finally, the girl spoke, Luna chuckles, "What do you think-", "Luna stop." Jess shakes her head, "No jess, I want her to say why she thinks that I have a problem- cause I really- really would like to fucking know." Luna chuckles, Megan scoffs, sitting up, Luna does as well, "You're a fucking pussy, you know that?" She smiles, "Luna-", Megan turns to face her boyfriend, "Shut the fuck up Andy!", The man flinches, Luna stands up, pulling the woman's hair, "LUNA!", She spits in Megan's face, "Alex do something!" Jess shouts at her boyfriend, but he was too high to care, the girl whimpers, "You see I don't give a fuck who you are, anyone who abuses anyone is trash.", She throws her head to the side, causing the girl to fall down, Andy stands up, grabbing Luna's wrists, "Stop.", Luna look's him straight in the eyes, he had a bruise on his cheekbone, and a cut on his eyebrow, which just fueled her, she slipped out of his grip, leaving the apartment, angry was overtaking her, she walked across the hall, slamming the door, "Luna?", the girl stopped looking up, her sister had arrived a week ago, "What's wrong? I heard shouting.", Luna had the look in her eye's, and Gray knew exactly what that meant, "You fell in love with him?" Gray asks, sympathy in her eyes, "I don't know how- Gray-", "Don't feel bad." The younger girl chuckles, "I'm so fucking sad.", Luna fall's to her knees, crying, sobbing, Gray gets down with her, holding the crying girl, "It'll be okay."...

Luna didn't talk to any of the band members for a month, other than Benny, because as long as her sister was around, so was Benny, and then came the day of their show, the first of their biggest tour, All around the world, and Luna was dragged to it, front row, Luna was living a nightmare, while her sister was living her dream, But Luna stuck it out, and listened to those stupid songs, watched that stupid boy, dedicating romantic songs to his devil of a Girlfriend, Luna bit her tongue as hardcore fans asked stupid questions behind them, the lights went down, the music stopped, "Okay-" He breathed out, "This uh- this next song, I wrote, after I met this girl- she's uh here tonight, so this one is for you, forgive me if you hate it.", his fans cheer, Gray looked over at Luna, her eyes were glossed over, "Did you know about this?" She spoke, Gray frowns slightly, "It's on their new album.", The music begins to play, "You've been my muse for a long time, You get me through every dark night...", "I'm always gone, out on the go, I'm on the run and you're home alone, I'm too consumed with my own life.", "I wanna leave.", "Luna-", She the girl walks away, escorted by security to the back room, she could still hear him sings, by now he was at the chores, "I've been confused as of late (yeah), Watching my youth slip away (yeah) You're like the sun, you wake me up, But you drain me out if I get too much, I might need you or I'll break, Are we too young for this? Feels like I can't move-", "Luna-", "Gray I don't even know him- why-", the girl hyperventilates, "Why- does it- fe-feel like this-" She sobs, "Why'd you bring me to that goddamn show!" She throws a nearby pillow, "God fucking damn you Gray! Why-Why do you need to get every-Fucking-thing you want!" "Luna stop yelling.", "No! Fuck you- Fuck mom- Fuck dad-", The door opens, Jess, "Luna stop yelling we can hear you all the way down the hall-", "You know what fuck you too Jess.", "What the fuck did I do-", "Nothing, she's just fucking crazy.", "Oh yeah, I'm fucking crazy! You all are living in fucking paradise- and- and I can't fucking say anything- I can't live like this anymore-", She sobs, Jess stops being defensive, "Come here.", She sits next to her best friend, wrapping her arms around her, whispering sweet things into her ear, and soon the band joins them, "Amazing show babe.", Gray kisses her boyfriend, "Thank you love.", He smiles widely, "What's wrong with her?" Alex chuckles, pointing at Luna, chugging down a bottle of water, Luna looks up, wiping her tears, "I don't know- what the fuck is wrong with your fucking fake ass.", The man chokes, "Come on fucking tell us- why don't you- with your fucking tiny dick- I'm so fucking sick of you.", She slaps the man, leaving him- and the rest of the room shocked, she storms out.

...The rooftop door swings open, "What the fuck is wrong with you?!", "Oh hello Andy, how'd you know I was up here?" She giggles, "Are you high-", "Pills are fucking insane dude.", The man squats down next to her, looking down at the giggling girl, she was laying on her back, he holds her cheek, tear's forming in his eyes, "I'm sorry-", "Don't say that. You didn't do anything wrong.", Her breathing quickens, "How much did you take?", she begins to nod off, "Luna?" He nudges her, "Luna how much did you take-", "A lot..." Her eyes roll back, "luna-", Her body begins to shake violently, "Luna!"...

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