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Luna stayed up that night, staring at her ceiling, listening to the city, around 2 am her phone buzzed...

You awake?

My mind is racing
Why are you awake... you have a show tomorrow

Are you like... with my brother?

With Phoenix?
I've never even thought about him like that lol

He was looking at you like you were a feast

Aren't I?

Not his.

You know Andy, when I left, you told me that you were in love with me.
...is that still true?

If it is?
Would it really make a difference?
I know you don't like me.

But your wrong, I do.
I think your the only person I've liked since high school

I don't know if I love you, I don't know if I loved you then, but I do know that I like you, a lot.

Ask me on a date.


Ask me on a date idiot

Luna, will you go on a date with me tomorrow afternoon?

Why yes Andy I would love to



"I can't believe you're starting this shit up again..." Jess says as she goes through Luna's clothes, "I was tired it was late- and I was a little- drunk- but it doesn't matter, drunk words are sober thoughts right?", "Only like half the time- how about this?" She holds up a short lacy black dress, "It's gothy...", She lays back on her bed, "I can't believe we live in NYC again..." She smiles wildly, "Not me yet." Jess scoffs, "Hey! We were always gonna move back here." Luna defends, "I know, I love this city it's just weird now, I feel like we barely spent any time in LA.", "I know, I'm sorry.", Jess holds up the black dress again, "It may be gothy, but they're in a rock band so..." she wiggles the dress around, "Alright then... goth dress it is."...

"We're both famous now." Andy chuckles, "Yeah... hopefully, there are no paps around." Luna jokes, "Would it be so bad if they were...?", "Do you remember last time love?" She chuckles, "That was really nice..." he bites his lip, and she blushes, "It was...", "This is awkward." Andy Laughs and Luna joins in, "Why are we like this..." She laughs, "We've never properly done this... ugh- I don't want this to be weird." She says, "Then let's not make it weird.", "Not weird- this is not weird." He smiles, "How was your year without me? Was it torture?" She jokes, "Complete and utter hell, How was your year of becoming a pop star?", "It was... nothing like I expected it to be, I thought about you every day until I didn't, and then when I couldn't remember your smile I came back here.", Andy looks up quickly, a look of slight shock, "They tell me you were doing drugs, for the past year... and not talking to them, They didn't deserve to watch you fall." She shakes her head, "Why does it always become this..." Andy asks, "Because no one else is gonna say it do you, Andy you know that they will never tell you the truth- It's always been that way.", "But what if I don't want to hear it." Attitude lines his words, "What if you hurt me- What if I hurt you by telling you that it hurt.", She knits her eyebrows together, "I wasn't going to follow you forever, You knew that Andy." She sounds angry, she was angry, Andy shifts under her angry look, itching his inner elbow, she takes notice, "I know." He sighs, "Then why are you so angry? Andy, I love you, and I'm sorry that I left, but I started my life, I'm myself now.", "I know, I'm sorry.", he rubs his eyes, sighing, "Now let's make this a good date."...

She chuckles as she opens her door, The reflection of the city that never sleeps staring back at her, Andy smiles as he walks in, "This is beautiful.", "Yea... oh uh- Did you want me to call you a cab- or-", "Benny is on his way." Andy nods, "Oh okay- well I had fun- I don't know about you..." She jokes, "The time of my life, we should do it again.", She smiles nodding, "Yah we should."...

"It was awkward." The girl sighs, collapsing on her bed, "So never again?" Jess chuckles on the other line, "No- I- I don't know it's weird.", "Well you have a show with him next week so- unweird it.", "What-", "Your managers announced it, come on stay up to date-", "Jess I'm on hiatus! I just wanted a break-", "I'm not the one who did this-", "God I hate my management."...

Did you know we have a show together next week?


Yes you did lier.
I'm supposed to be on hiatus
I just wanted time for Myself

It'll be fun.
I'll make it fun for you, I promise.

It's so tiring.

I know.

She sighs, tossing her phone across her bed, sighing, she reached over, picking it back up, pressing Andy's contact, calling him...

"Hello? Are you okay- don't yell at me."

"I'm tired of living Andy... do you remember when I took a bunch a pills? I was trying to kill myself, but I said I wasn't, but I was, and I keep thinking that If I had told the truth that day, that maybe I would be-"

"Happy?... you wouldn't, because I told the truth, and nothing changed... I didn't want to live anymore then I did before I tried to kill myself."

"Conversations like this make me think that we could work..."

"Dating isn't my thing anyways..."

"Hookups in the tourbus?"

"Hookups anywhere..."

"That's hot."

He chuckles... "Your hot."

"I know I am.",

"Your a nerd."

"No you."

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