Not A Perfect Life

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Someimes we seem never contented of what we have. We were given good but we keep on seeking for the best , which sometimes lead us to missing the simple yet satisfying part of this journey.

Just like in love, wes set requirements, we target the ideal,
so where do we end up?

We end up hoping that the ones we have left behind still have spaces for us, because the one we thought to be ideal doesn't see to see us that way. What an irony! But I guess thatwould be the reality.


Even if I do things the right way some, would still be unsatisfied, some will not appreciate what I say and what I do, and thier would always be people who would let me down too.

But for as long as I speak honestly from the heart, I'll be fine.

This is not a perfect world. This is not a perfect life. Life is almost always unfair but life loves the person who dares to live it.


I feel sorry for those people who know me because of what others say. I feel pity for those who can't take the courage to talk to me. I feel an ache when I know that a person knows only my different side. But then, I love to see people trying to know me more despite my imperfections, living the lives withme in such a different view knowing the real human in jis very being of mina and accepting myself as person behind my simple name.

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